Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Our dad is home from the hospital!

Hello to all our furry and not-so-furry friends! It's me, Patches! As some of you already know, our dad was in the hospital. He woke up, on Monday morning, with pains in his chest that were radiating down his arms. Now, our mom knows that isn't a good thing, so she took him to the Emergency Room. She wanted to call an ambulance, but Dad wouldn't let her! Anyway, they admitted him to the hospital and checked him out for about 24 hours. They found NOTHING! He came home yesterday afternoon. He's feeling somewhat better, but not great. If it happens again, Mom says he may have to go to a different hospital!
As some of you may remember, Poppy likes to perform secret rituals on our big stuffies. Well, now, I, Patches have started performing the same rituals on my blind frog! Mom actually caught me right in mid-hump. Can you believe it?

Poppy was trying to get in on the act too, but I told her to back off. My poor frog had already had two eye-ectomies so he can't see a thing! Somehow, that doesn't stop him from taunting me, though! He just keeps asking for it until I can't keep myself from performing that secret ritual!

Once I have him convinced that I am the boss, then I have to take a little snooze with my head resting on him.
This was supposed to be a close-up of Poppy's beautimous face, but she turned away just as the camera flashed. That seems to be the story of our mom's life...thanks to the darn delay on the camera!
A few days ago, our beautiful Kerry Blue friend, Jade gave us this great award. We are very honored! Thank you very much, Jade.
The award states: "This blog invests and believes in PROXIMITY -- nearness in space, time and relationships!" In other words, blogs that receive this award "are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."
We are supposed to pass it along to 8 other bloggers, but we will have to do that later. Right now, our pawrents are having a nightmare of trying to find an oxygen supplier for our dad. Every time they call one, first they say they take his insurance and then they say the don't. The insurance company gave them a list, but it must be like a 100 year old list! Every single one they call, says they don't take that insurance! Right now, they are waiting on return calls from a few companies. We sure hope they get it straightened out soon...we're kind of tired of all the HBO words that are flying around here!
Thanks to all of you doggies that have sent Aire-zen, crossed paws and GooberSmootches for our dad! We sure hope he feels better really quick! Mom says he can't go in the hospital anymore because she has a hard time keeping up with our water bowls and feeding times!
See you all next time!
Patches (and Poppy & Penny too)


Anonymous said...

oh my, I think I may have missed the report of your Dad from previously - although I checked through a few of your posts, but could find nothing.

We were quite worried when we read your first paragraph.......

I am glad the hospital found nothing wrong but sorry to hear about the probs with the oxygen. Come over to the UK, live here and the National Health Service will give it to him for free, no worries about insurance silly billies!

I really hope he feels better soon, and also you stop humping the poor sightless frog, whatever he has done he doesn't deserve this!! ;0)))))))))))))

Get well licks to your Pa xxxxxx

lotsaluv, Marvin xxxx

Jeannie tooooooooo

Amber-Mae said...

We'rwe glad to know your dad is okay but I wonder what's causing all that pain? Hope he will be able to find out soon at a different hospital.

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Amber-Mae said...

We'rwe glad to know your dad is okay but I wonder what's causing all that pain? Hope he will be able to find out soon at a different hospital.

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Murphey said...

We are sending some puppy prayers towards your household and a few barks of FEEL BETTER!

Murph and Reilly

Dexter said...

Patches! Dexter does the same secret ritual with his hump piggie stuffie. We have never been able to get photographic proof due to the flashy delay on the camera.

It certainly isn't very lady-like of you (tsk, tsk).

Insurance companies can bring out the HBO words for sure. Hope you get it all figured out.


Asta said...

Penny,Poppy amd Patches
I'm so sowwy , I didn't know about youw Dad..I will be pwaying and cwossing my paws that he gets bettew and that he gets the kind of cawe he needs..
A second opinion might be needed..Mommi didn't even have those pains, when the dogtows plopped hew on the table and gave hew a splint in hew awtewie
Pleez give him my love and you thwee keep playing,I'm suwe the stuffies awe happy whatevew you do ..they love to please.that's theiw wole in life
smoochie kisses

Duke said...

We're so glad your dad is home! Our paws are crossed that he stays home and gets the oxygen that he needs!
There must be something wrong with both of us because we are just not humpmeisters!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Noah the Airedale said...

Hey pals
We hope there is nothing wrong with your dad. He must have been very worried to have those pains. How scary. We will keep our paws crossed for him.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

chelsea + apple said...

I'z glad that your's dad is better,
and also, your's secret ritual is so's funny!!!!

Congrats on the award!

<3 Apple

Anonymous said...

Did they at least do a stress test on your daddy? Make him do the dreaded treadmill?
Hope he is feeling great!
As for "humping", define?
I think Rufus does it to me outside at the back door. I feel so USED if it is what I think. I think it is legally INSECT. I read the Candian Criminal Code yesterday. I was shocked.
Sal the molestee

Deetz said...

I have never humped a frog before, especially a blind one, but once I did hump a beaver stuffie. Mum thought it was funny! I however found no humor.
I am so glad that your daddy is okay and if he does it again, he should go and get it checked out. He probably just had a panic attack with all that humping going on.

Anonymous said...

OK, not INSECT, I'm too upset to type. I meant INCEST. But Rufus is a Bugger, so to speak. Is this being monitored by the CIA?

Lady Kaos said...

I hope your Dad is okay!!
Mom has a lot of side of the head or back of the head shots of me, too because I'm quick to turn my head. Gotta keep her on her toes.

Mason Dixie said...

So happy to hear your dad is home. and we totally understand the hold up on things for now. Take it easy on the froggy, hehe.

Dewey Dewster said...

Gee hope yer Dad is soon all better....that must have been quite a scare.....hope ya can find that oxygen that he needs soon.....and tell Patches that she isn't to worry about her secret ritual....my Mom does that ta Toby all the time and used ta do it ta her Dad, Alfie, too....it's usually because they had/have somethin' she wanted...but the funny part was that they both just ignored her....

Dewey Dewster here....

Bogart H. Devil said...

Big Aire Kisses for your dad :)


Jacks, Narra, Tuchuck, and Rousseau said...

Hi, guys! We're very glad to hear your dad is okay--we hope it stays that way, and we wish him well. So, is that what the stuffie rituals are for, good health?!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Sibe Vibes and Khrossed Paws heading to woo from Pawsylvania!

As for the ritual thingie with the blind frog....ummm...TMI?

My mom babbles about the khamera delay too...oh well, I'll do something khute another time!


Misadventures of Widowhood said...

That must have been very scary with your dad going to emergency. My moomie says to tell your moomie that if it happens again, don't let your daady talk her into not going to the ER.


Lorenza said...

Hi, friends!
I did not know about your Dad but I will have my paws crossed for him until he gets better!
Congratulations on your award
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said...

We are sorry to hear about your Dad, we are sending healing vibes your way!!

Stanley said...

Hey, Girlies!

We're glad to hear your dad is home. We hope they find out what is going on with him, and toward that end, we're sending more healing goob smooches his way!

As for your secret rituals, nodog in our house has the least bit of interest in that... except once in awhile I will attempt some live-action humping on a real pup at the dog park.

Goober love & smooches,

Poopsie aka Blue said...

Glad to hear that your Dads home - hope it was just a passing moment & doesn't reaccur.

Love, pats & pets

The Black and Tans. said...

Hello POppy, Penny and Patches

We were so pleased to read that your Dad is home again. It all sounded a bit scary when he was taken to the hospital. Our paws are crossed that the oxygen situation sorts itself out very soon.

Molly and Taffy

Fenway said...

Hi Gang!
I want your Dad to get the BEST care possible and hope your Mom insists on a second opinion RIGHT AWAY...don't wait for "something" to happen.

I am curious about Blind Frog. I am an intact male doggie and wonder what sort of creature I'd spawn if I did The Secret Ritual with her.

Your Pal,

Kapp pack said...

Glad to hear your dad is on the mend!

Puppy slurps, Canyon

Lacy said...

w00f's Pups, me sorry ur daddy not feeling good, me hopes he feels better soon...mama iz trying to member where she use to git her oxxygen from, we in nc and thats not to far from where u is..

b safe,

Eduardo said...

Congrats on your award & so glad your Daddy is home! I will keep your Daddy on the goodvibes list.
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Faya said...

I hope your Dad will soon feel better to play with you again ! Give him a big swiss kiss please...
Kisses, Faya & Dyos

Gus said...

Penny, Poppy & Patches...we are glad your dad is home, and hope that all continues to go well.

Muzzer says to tell you she can't sing either! She makes up words with the rhythm running through her head, but only occasionally belts one out.


Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

G'day PPP,

I'm happy your dad got to the hospital in time.

I get along gweat wif my furprise & will tell more soon.

xxx Asta (Oz)

Persephone and Buster said...

Hey, you guys keep that Dad out of the Hospital, ya hear? We Kerries have a special way of handling insurance companies (it ain't pretty, and it involves ripping flesh), so you let us know if you need us!

Hope all's reasonably well,


Buster, Sephie & Bailey

Niamh said...

I hope that you are taking good care of your dad now that he is home. I'm sure with your attention hell feel better soon.

I never knew about these secret rituals with stuffies.

Your friend,

Nibbles Treats said...

Nice to meet you guys. Keep taking good care of your dad - lots of snuggles!
Congratulations on your award!
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker

Kelli said...

I'm glad to hear that your dad is home. I hope he is feeling better for good!

Anonymous said...

Hi Poppy, Penny, and Patches! Thanks for visiting my bloggie. It was a sad post, for sure. It's nice to meet you - I'll be back soon to see how you, your dad, and your stuffies are doing.

Your pal,

-The Mullin Clan's Mommy- said...

OMD - We are glad yur daddy is home frum the hospital & we hope he is feeling better real soon! Takes good care of him.

-da boys, Cosmos & Juneau-

Life With Dogs said...

We are so glad you have your daddy back!

the many Bs said...

hi kiddos, we're so glad your dad is home and is okay. that was a scary experience.

mr froggy is certainly at a disadvantage with Patches. it's a good thing that you give him a rest and let him serve as your pillow at nap time.


Nancy at the Farm said...

We are prayin' for your Pop! Your Mum is right, if he gets sick again, get a second opinion!

Love, Dozer, Dottie and Cooper

The 3 G-Dales said...

We are sure glad to hear that your Daddy is ok...pawesome news! We will say some aireprayers for him anyhow....everypaw can use some aireprayers.

Hope that you are all well. We had play time today in the snow and now we are making the rounds to check in on all our pawpals....

Smoochies to you! Looks like you've been good doggies...got yourselves some pretty pawrific awards....keep up the good paw prints!

Lola Belle and the boys

Kodiak Grandson Falcon said...

Hi guys sorry to hear about your dad. Did they check for blockage some place leading to the heart? Our Mom had two coronary stent put in because there was blockage to the heart. Hope he is feeling better.
My grandpaws is always trying to tell me that he is the BOSS. It has not worked so far. LOL