Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Wheelie Wednesday...and we are freezing...AGAIN!

Hello, furry and not-so-furry friends! It's me, PorkChop! I'm sorry I haven't been around much, lately, but our stupid mom keeps missing Wheelie Wednesday! She keeps saying something about being too busy, but I don't think that's a good excuse! What could be more impawtent than blogging for us doggies?
On Monday, our mom and Aunt Wendy got everything set up in the new antique booth. On the first trip, they took all the shelves and tables. Then, they came back and got all the stuff they hope to sell. They had it all set up by noon. Of course, it rained the whole time they were carrying stuff in, but at least they were able to back up almost to the door! Mom says it looks good...now we just hope they sell everything!
We are very proud winners of one of the knitted Christmas stockings that Maggie and Mitch's mom made. We guessed, correctly, that Mitch's favorite fruit is apples and Maggie's most hated fruit is lemons. We just loooooove this stocking! M & M's mom is soooooo talented! Thank you, very much, Maggie, Mitch and of course, your MOM!

This morning, Mom cleaned our dog feeding room. It isn't easy since there is a freezer and an extra refrigerator in there. It doesn't leave much room for her to turn around. Penny was very nervous the whole time Mom was in there. She moved Penny's bowls out into the kitchen and that made Penny freak out. She went into the feeding room and wouldn't get out so Mom could finish cleaning. Mom finally lured her out with a treat and then had to get back in there before Penny did! Penny's one weird doggie...she doesn't like it when Mom starts moving anything around...especially her food and water bowls.

Poppy has been hanging out in the office, this morning, where the computer is. Dad was in there, taking pictures of stuff to put on Ebay, and then Mom went in to take a picture of the stocking. Poppy always shows up for picture taking so she can be in the way, mostly! I think she's always hoping there might be a new stuffie that she can snag. Sorry, Poppy, no new stuffies today!

This is a broken spring on our garage door! Yesterday, our mom went to go over to the neighbor's and when she came back in and closed the door, there was a very loud noise. Dad asked what it was and Mom said she didn't know. She looked back out in the garage, but didn't see anything out of place. Later, when she went to go get the mail, the door wouldn't open. Of course, she called Dad because that's what she ALWAYS does when something doesn't work. He checked it out and found the broken spring. Someone is coming to fix it, today and we hope they don't freeze to death! It's about 10 degrees, here, this morning, with a wind chill of minus 1 degree! Everytime those real doggies go outside, Mom tells them to hurry up before they have nose-cicles! We don't have any snow, but it's waaaaaaaaaaaay too cold outside!
We hope everydoggie is staying warm! Oh...except our buddies in Australia where it's summertime! We hope they are staying cool. I'm going back in my china cabinet now, where it's toasty warm and safe from the jaws of the real doggies!
PorkChop (and the 3 P's too)


Dexter said...

I am holding my own answer to Westminster (Mango minster). You can see on my bloggy.

I was wondering if the three of you would like to judge the terrier competition. I would send you the entry photos and you just tell me who wins. I am concerned that the terriers might get out of hand and I figured the three of you could keep them in line.

Let me know,

Samantha: said...

Sounds like some ambitious projects are taking place at your house - when things get moved around here, I tend to get a little bit anxious, especially if I spy a suitcase entering the bedroom, know what I mean?!!

Eric said...

Porkchop... Yikessess!! Get back in the china cabinet quick..someone might take you to the antique stall in error!!! Hope Mom and Aunty Wendy make lots of spondooolies.

Wags, Eric xx

Dandy Duke said...

That Christmas stocking is just your size Porkchop! We hope you get to keep it for your very own!
Stay warm, guys! It's cold here too! brrrrrrrr

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Joe Stains said...

it is good to hear from you buddy. Joey doesn't like stuff being moved around either, he gets very upset! Stay warm guys!!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

We Siberians are known to be pawtial to our routines as well!

My mom flinched about the garage door spring...she knows THAT sound of helplessness too well!


Lorenza said...

Hi, PorkChop!
I hope your mom sells everything!
Good luck!
Kisses and hugs

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Pork Chop...you must be freezin' down there...10 degrees in the south is nutso!!! I bet those airedoggies don't waste time outside when they aren't used to the cold!!

We just got caught up on ur bloggie...how is ur dad??? No more chest pains??? That can be from so many different things...we hope those nasty pains stay away from him!!!!!

Wanted to tell you that Stanny at night when he's tired,acts like he has 30 yr. old Dale hips...he grunts and groans when he gets up...he's done that since we got him at 7 months...maybe it's a dale thing????

Hope you dogs stay warm down there...MUD??? What is mud? We haven't seen it since the end of December...BUT...it's supposed to get up to the fifties on Saturday...bet we'll be draggin' mud in with the best of ya!!!

Love ya lots!!


Best of luck to ur mom at the antique mall!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi PorkChop! Wow, it sounds really cold there! We're having a "cold snap" right now - it's 49 degrees, which is really cold for South Florida - brrr - we're used to 80 degrees and humid. I hope they get your garage door fixed soon!

See ya!

Fred said...

Hi PorkChop! I'm Fred, and I just stopped by to say hello!
(Like Penny--I don't like things being moved around either.)
Enjoy your day!

Lacy said...

w00f's 4P's, me not like the air thingy over the stove, it makes to much noise when mama turns it on..and it got cold here last nite, but pose to warm up now..me hopes Penny and ur daddy iz doing better now..

b safe,

Dewey Dewster said...

Fer Heavens sake.....this cold weather is sparin' no one at all this year.....we are so tired of the cold and snow that we wish we could make it all turn yellow ferever....we don't think it is ever gonna stop....geez they told us it's goin' ta be 50 degrees here soon and Gram is ready ta get out our swimmin' pool sunglasses....pathetic....

Dewey Dewster here.....

Lady Kaos said...

That's great your Mom got eerything set up and it's very bad the garage door is broken. Mom would have called Dad, too cuz that's what she does when something doesn't work right. Good luck to your Mom's shop! I hope she makes lots and lots of money!!

Amber-Mae said...

Hi PorkChop! I like your name alot. I wish I was named PorkChop too. Hee! M&M sent you a very cute sock there. Their Mom is a good knitter!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Dexter said...

It is totally too cold everywhere. Poor Penny. I understand. I don't like it when things move around either.

You ladies certainly have your work cut out at Mango Minster. I might need to hire bodyguards for you!


Faya said...

Hello friends ! We are back. My VĂ©ronique is fine. Thank you for your nice words. It is not so cold anymore here : 4 °C. It is good.
Have a nice week-end, Kisses, Faya

Bae Bae said...

That's a really cute sock from Maggie and Mitch. ;)

~ Bae

Stanley said...

You guys have so much going on AND you are judging for MangoMinster! Be sure to take care of each other and snuggle your mama. We're sending goob smooches so you all feel calm & comfy!

Goober love & smooches,