Thursday, April 30, 2009

Woohoo! Our mom is finally HOME!!!!!!!!!!

Hi everybuddy! It's me, Patches. This is going to be a really short post because our personal secretary (aka Mom) is still trying to catch up from her vacation. She got home on Tuesday after spending 6 hours in the Cleveland Aire-port! You might say she was a little bit grumpy! Anyway, we'll tell you the whole story later. Right now, I wanted to show you the Mingo that Mom gave us before she went to Oh!-Hi!-Oh! In this picture, he was in pristine condition, but now he's missing his eyes and lots of feathers! Poppy and I like to play tug-of-war with him! He is sooooo fun !

This is a picture of our mom (on the right) with one of her sisters. The sun was shining right in their eyes! As you can see, our mom isn't bleaching her hair anymore. She says she feels old every time she looks into a mirror. WE don't really care what she looks like as long as she feeds and pets us!

Okay, everybuddy, this is the end...at least for now. We'll be back as soon as our mom gets caught up. We also need to get caught up on what everydoggie else has been up to!
Patches (and Poppy & Penny too)


Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

We're glad your Mom is back and know you are too.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

TwoSpecialWires said...

And WE are glad your mom is home, too! Everyone can be happy together!

:) Jake and Fergi :)

Jake of Florida said...

Welcome home!!

We know where you can find live "mingos" that might be a little more resistent to terrier toofies -- at your risk and peril though.

Jake and Just Harry

Lacy said...

w00fs, glad u mama iz home...dont matter watt our pawents look like we still loves 'em...my mama kinda looks like a bull dog..but dont tell her me saided that..

b safe,

Anonymous said...

Hi Penny, Poppy, and Patches! I'm glad your mom is home and not still in the Cleveland airport - how awful! I know how happy you must be to have her back. Tell her to rest up, give you lots of treats, and not to worry about her hair - it looks fine!

See ya!

Hollie and Janie said...

I am so happy that your mom is home. I bet yall missed her bunches!! That mingo didn't stand a chance!!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Welkhome home and welkhome bakhk!

Take your time khatching your khanine breaths!


Agatha and Archie said...

You must be THRILLED to have her back!!!!!! Love A+A PS Tell your Mom she may be giving PL2 some incentive to do the same thing.....

Niamh said...

I bet you are so happy that she is home. Hope she is recuperated from spending so much time in the airport.

Your friend,

Kasha said...

Airedales sure seem like the coolest breed. I honestly have never heard of this breed. Then again I had never heard of ours until we got her. I wonder what makes each dog owner prefer one breed over another? I am curious what made you love this breed since it is evident you love all dogs as do I.

Duke said...

Yeaaaaaaaaaaa, we're so glad your mom is home!
Poor Mingo! What a pretty birdie stuffie he is! HE is pink!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Asta said...

Penny Patches and Poppy
Thank dog youw Mom got home in time..huwwy up, you have to get outside Aiw Ruby is picking you up..We have to be in Salzbuwg tomowwow!
We think youw Mom ooks vewy nice whatewve colow haiw she has..We think silvew is a bootiful colow!
Glad you had youw Mingo to cheew you up fow missing youw Mom
smoochie kisses

Lorenza said...

Hi, Patches, Penny and Poppy!
Sure is nice to have your mom back!
Poor Mingo! I think you need a new one!
Kisses and hugs

Dexter said...

Welcome back. I like your mom's hair. It is confusing when the peoples make their hair different colors.


Allison Walton said...

We know woo iz happee to have her back! Give her lots of kissez!

Gus and Waldo

Kess And Her Mama said...

We definetely missed ya all! Glad yr mummy is back. You tell her she looks really graceful! The beauty comes from within.

Faya said...

It is good to see you back. Give your Mom a nice welcome !
Kisses, Faya & Dyos

Sally said...

Welcome back - and we know you guys must be thrilled she is home. That little birdie needs to be replaced methinks.

Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy

Noah the Airedale said...

Hey pals welcome back and welcome home to your mum. That's a great photo. It's nice to be able to see your mum.


Joe Stains said...

yay, we are very glad that your Mom is home. I hope you are giving her lots of licks and hugs. We look forward to hearing more.

Lucia said...

Ciao belle 3Ps!

Sounds like you put the pink Mingo through its paces, ragazze! (Of course, poultry of any kind is delicious, so who could blame you for chewing on that birdie!?!)

I am very glad your bellissima mama is home safe and sound now. It's never any fun to be stuck in an aeroporto, that's for sure!

Tanti baci!

Stanislaw said...

Happy and safe travels to your mom, and many more mingo stuffies for you!

Unknown said...

YEahhh Mom is home. My mom just returned from a few days away too. She didn't leave me with a mingo though. Mingo's don't need eyes.. so what's the big deal.


the many Bs said...

yippee! we're so glad your mom is home. that is the most pawsome flamingo that we've seen. we hope you tore it to shreds.


Eric said...

Girlies! I'm wagging for you that your Mom is home . Bet you are too. Think she got you a new Mingo from Oh! Hi! O!?

Wiry wags, Eric xxx

Charlie Daniels said...

G'day you lot!

Just checking in .. hope all is well! :-)

