Thursday, June 25, 2009

Our personal secretary has been too busy to type what we're barkin'!

Hi everybuddy! It's me, Poppy! I can't believe it's been over a week since we've posted anything new on our bloggy! Maybe that's because there ISN'T anything new! It's been too stinkin' hot to go outside and yet our mom is way too busy to blog. What's up with that? Doesn't she know that we really need to know what all our furbuddies are up to?
Mom has been dogtoring the bump on Penny's back some more. It's a sebaceous cyst and it won't go away by itself, so Dr. Mom has been using Icthammol on it. It's very yucky! It's black stuff that smells like tar and it's supposed to draw the nasty stuff out of the cyst. Patches and I are staying waaaaaay away from her until that cyst finally 'splodes!

Patches is standing guard by one of our mom's bear poles! She has heard that our mom and dad are selling lots of stuffs and she wants to be the first to know if any bears are up for grabs! Actually, Mom has tried to sell some bears, already, but no one seems to want them (or anything else, for that matter)! This economy has put a big halt to anyone buying on Ebay or in our mom's booth at the antique mall.
Some of you may know that our dad has some health issues. Well, he can no longer do much woodworking, so our pawrents are selling a lot of his tools and fishing tackle. That's what is keeping our mom so busy. She has to go to the basement with Dad so he can tell her what he wants to sell. Then they bring the stuffs upstairs, take pictures and list it on that Ebay place. They keep saying that it is all very time consuming. Whatever THAT means! All WE know is that we aren't allowed to go to the basement with them because one of us (Patches) likes to open the door to the outside and escape into the neighborhood. The first time she did it, no one could figure out how she got out. They finally decided that she knows how to open the latch on the screen door. What a doofus! Doesn't she know that we have it way too good here to be running off? Hello...there is no aire-conditioning out in the neighborhood and it's much easier to find treats right here in our own house!
Well, everybuddy, I'm going to lay on top of one of the aire-conditioning vents for a while!
Poppy (and Penny & Patches too)


Jake of Florida said...

We know the feeling when our own pawsonal secretary leaves us in the lurch for weeks on end.

It's hot here too: Tuesday was 100 in Fort Lauderdale!!

Our human brother and sister-in-law have made the journey to your part of the world and have rented a house in a town called Hull. (We imagine that in Georgia-speak that's about three syllables!!)

Stay cool -- and we hope things pick up in the sales department!!!

Lots of wirey love,

Jake and Just Harry

Dandy Duke said...

We hope the cyst on Penny's back heals soon! It sounds pretty nasty to us! Poor Penny!
We hope the economy picks up soon for your mom selling on ebay! We know how much she needs this to happen!
Stay cool, guys!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Eric said...

Poppy, Thats sad your dad selling his tools. Xpect you 3 spend lots of time looking after him as well as inspecting bears and ebay stuffies. Paws crossed for your Moms sales on Ebay and at the Antique Mall. And Penny hope that nasty cyst clears up for you soon.

Wiry wags n kissies, Eric xx

Dexter said...

I think your mom must have the mentals fatigues from your dad feeling sick and having to sell his tools. You just need to be patient.


Inky and Molly said...

Oh poor Penny. Cysts are no good.
We hope your mum sells lots of things on Ebay so she can buy you lots of treats and make up for lost time with the family...

Kess And Her Mama said...

Glad you're back blogging. Penny, get well soon and hope that all works out well for your family. Take care.

Faya said...

It is good to see you ! Weel, it is also very quiet here...nothing special happened...boring days...
Kisses, Faya

Jacks, Narra, Tuchuck, and Rousseau said...

Oh, yeah, we hear ya: it's hot, not much goin on, humans mopin around. But treats and aire-conditioning make things okay. :) We hope your dad's alright.


Sherry said...

We sure hope the economy improves so that people buy more Ebay stuff. If our mom can earn more money, she can buy more treats!
Alanis & Miro

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Maybe this will cheer you up and make you laugh - Please drop by our blog as we have a contest starting today.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

tula monstah said...

eesh- best to stay inside or you'd really be a hot doggie. then someone might put some ketchup & mustard on ya and .....

hope things work out for your mom & dad.

stay cool!
Happy furriday,

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

My khousin Merdie (The GoldenDoofTriever) used to have one on bakhk...it was not a pleasant thing when it reached the 'splodin' point!

Good Lukhk!


Hollie and Janie said...

I'm with yall! My mom has been too busy with school to blog! I am so over this AL heat!!! I think I prefer being a snowdog!!

Lucia said...

Ciao 3Ps!!

Booooo! I know just how you feel about having a too-busy secretary. We are visiting with la mia ragazza's papa this week so we have very little 'puter time, but I'll have soooooo much to tell once we're home!!

I hope Pen's back feels better soon and that Patches stays home in the cool aire. My paws are crossed for your papa, too -- it's no fun when you don't feel well. La mia ragazza says for you to tell your mama to hang in there and to be sure to take a little bit of time for herself now and then. And I send your mama this: MWAHHHH!

Tanti baci!

the many Bs said...

hi 3Ps! we understand about humans being so busy. they need to take a lesson from us dogs and just relax a bit, but they won't.

our mom didn't do too well selling stuff on ebay either. she said that the prices were too low and she should just give the stuff away. that's not good either.

we hope your mom has better luck than our mom did.


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hello Sweet Girls!!!

We know just how ya feel with the whole stoopid lazy secretary thingie...Mumsie's been all weddingie...now that Bruvver's is done, she's flyin' to Charlotte in a couple of weeks to work on sissy's....sissy is sorta Miss Pro Crassy Tin Ation...so she's sayin' that this is gonna be verrrrrrt interesting...

We've been doing catch uppie on your bloggie...hope your Daddy is doing ok...we're gonna send him some terrier zen...and lotsa healin' kissies, kay???

Lastly, a belated barkday to sweet Patches...SIX, huh??? Honestly, you don't look a day over two...amazing!!!!

Well, it just thundered so I am sittin' here on Mumsie's lap shaking and panting and she's sayin' my breath isn't quite as sweet as she'd like to be sniffing...I'm terrified..what does she expect? Me to go and Scope before I pant???? Sheesch...we have had SO MANY STORMS...and I destest each and ever one of them...sigh...

Love ya lots girlies...Kisses to your Peeps and the wheelies!!

Pantin' Barks...

Lady Kaos said...

It's been too hot here, too. I don't lay on top of the vent, but I do like to lay in front of the ones that have the nifty little covers that make the vents blow into the room instead of up into the drapes. We love the central ac in this house compaired to the stupid swamp cooler at the old house.

Lorenza said...

Hi, friends!
I hope that thing your mom is using for Penny's cyst works well and soon!
I wish good luck to your mom with the selling.
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Unknown said...

Hey !
Patches lets see that banana tail photo!

I can't believe you can't play with the bears if no one is buying them. Come on mom


tula monstah said...

You've been tagged! stop by to see-

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

It is ok mom we can understand you being busy with so much going on...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Hoover said...

Hey there Poppy (and Penny and Patches),

Thanks for visitin my blog!

If your Dad doesn't feel good you could try to help him by gettin cuddly with him. That works at my house when something called "stress" is here.

I hope there's enough airecondition vent for all of you.

Stay Cool,
Hoover BPD (Battery Powered Dog)

Kasha said...

Your comment was hilarious! I can't believe you do that to your poor mom! I don't miss the days before our doggy door. Our first boerboel would sit at the door every 5 minutes just to keep us on our toes. It gets old guys! Give her a break! LOL!

Deetz said...

OMGosh......Thank you guys for letting me know Lashka has been found!!! I am sure it will boost my mums faith again that the power of the paw works....Thank you!!!

I will back as soon as my human gets her work done so she can make monies and get me snackies...shouldn't be long, okay?

Amber-Mae said...

Hey guys! I ave not been blogging often too. Been too busy with the pupperets!

Solid Gold Momma

Marvin - oh and Jeannie! said...

I am sorry to read your Dad is selling his tools, but I hope the sale goes well on EBay anyway!

My Editor In Chief has been finding the blogging hard to keep up with, so no worries.

Sometimes, like my J says, life just gets in between!

Hope it cools down for you all soon,

love from Marvin and Jeannie in hot and sunny Scotland xxxxxx

(er, well it is raining today actually, but it has been nice!)

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

P,P & P, Sounds like it must be hot in the peach state...it's gonna be warm here the next few days too. Just in time for our Daddy arriving. Hey, why not give us your ebay address and maybe we could bid on some thing fishy for our fishergal, Mommy!!
Hope that Penny's cyst gets better soon. Poor girl.
Stay on that a/c vent & eat ice cubes...that's what we do!!
love, BabyRD & Hootie

Tenkiller Airedales said...

We certainly hope that Penny's cyst splodes soon!!! If it is one thing we know about here at the Tenkiller Kennel is "sicky" Airedales..... We have had our fair share this year!!!! Mommy says we are still paying on Yalo's big surgery...... er, surgeries!!!!

Blu Loo Loo and the tribe

Stella said...

Hey, girlies!

Oh, I wish I could come hang out with you guys. Maybe I could liven things up around there since you're stuck indoors!

That nasty stuff your Dr. Mom is putting on Penn Penn's cyst sounds like the same stuff my girl says her grandma used to use on all the grandkids who had something on their skin. I hope it works and that nodog is around Penny when that cyst blows!

Tell your mama & dad we're thinking of them, and give that dad of yours some juicy goobery kissies from me (and Stanley) to help him feel better!

Goober love,
Stella Bean Latifah

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