Thursday, October 29, 2009

We are still around!

Hi, everydoggie, everykitty, bear, hammie and hooman! It's me, Patches. Yes, I know...this picture was taken before I was shorn like a sheepie.

I just wanted to let everyone know that we are still around. For those of you who have asked...our dad is not doing well at all. We are trying our best to stay out of our mom's way, but sometimes it isn't easy. On hospice days, we have to stay behind the gate either in the living room or the kitchen depending on who is coming and when! We aren't too happy about that, but mom and dad say they have a hard time talking to the peoples with us putting our noses all over them and barking our disapproval of intruders coming into our home.

Our dad gets a little weaker every couple of days and now, he's in a wheelchair. You should see our mom try to push him across the carpet! It's a hoot! She's always running over our stuffies with that stoopid wheelchair thingy. On top of all the stuff our mom has to do now, she broke her foot. Yep, that's right! Broken foot! She dropped a brand new oxygen canister on it and it even flattened her toe ring! Now, she's wearing an "aire-cast". No, it doesn't have anything to do with Airedales...we just made Mom put the "e" in Aire because that is the way air SHOULD be spelled. Mom makes a really funny noise when she walks around in the cast and Dad says there's no way she could sneak up on anyone. Fortunately, it's our mom's LEFT foot that is broken, so she can still drive. You outta see her try to get out of the Aire-mobile with that ginormous foot! If she ever forgets to put the seat back before she gets out, we may have to go and pick her up off the concrete!

While Mom is waiting on the different hospice peoples to come, she is cutting out Airedales, bones and fire hydrants that will decorate the tables at the Aire-Care-Fair on November 15. We have a dog sitter coming that day. Oh, wait! Mom says it's a DAD sitter...not DOG sitter! Oh, well, I bet we are going to have fun with her anyway. They says she LOVES doggies!

We haven't had much time to read your bloggies lately, but sometimes when Mom gets a few minutes, she reads one or two to us. We really need to know what is going on with all our pals, but I guess we understand. We hope nodoggie forgets us!

Poppy, Penny & Patches


Hollie and Janie said...

We think about yall EVERYDAY!! We pray for all of yall!! I am so excited about the ARG event in just a couple of weeks! Mama's been making lots of airedale things, too! I cannot wait to meet your mom and you will there, i think!
WE LOVE Yall!!!

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

We have been thinking about you and appreciate the update. It's a bummer about your Mom's foot. We know she thinks this is not a good time for her to be hurt. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Noah the Airedale said...

Hey pals,
We think of you guys lots and often wonder how your dad is going.
Your poor mum. On top of everything she has a broken foot.
You wouldn't bank on that happening would you??
Take care pals.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy & D xx

Deetz said...

I cannot believe on top of everything your mom broke her foot...I bet it is kinda comical to watch her push the wheelchair with that big foot of hers across the carpet....Kinda find humor in life! We love you and our mom has been super busy and is sorry she has not been by, but she thinks of all of you everyday and sends many humorous prayers your way.

Duke said...

How awful that your mom broke her foot! We think of you guys all the time and pray that you're doing okay!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

hkairedalespack said...

So sorry to hear about your Mommy's foot. That is about one of the last things she needs right now. Mom and I have been thinking about you all lately and wondering how things were going. Sending warm prayers your way.
Hugs, Miley

Dexter said...

We were just thinking about you this morning and getting ready to send you a pee-mail and then saw your update. I am so glad you are keeping us posted even though the news is not good.

Please do not bitey mom's aire-cast even though I am sure it would make a most satisfying pop.

We are thinking of all of you, but especially your mom and dad. There are really no words.


Dexter said...

Oh the other hand, I was thinking, maybe it would be fun to bitey mom's aire-cast because if it popped it might send her flying around the room like a balloon and that would put a smile on your dad's face for sure.


Sally Ann and Andy said...

I know y'all are super busy, but if y'all want to come to a dog party at Atlantic Station from 1 to 6 there is a dog Halloween party. Please tell your Mommy we are sorry she broke her foot.
Sally Ann

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Tank woo fur the updates -

We get to see some on FB but this was especially nice to share with all of us -

So, were there HBO words when that khanister was droppped?

I'm sure all of woo are taking furry special khare of your dad - and making each day special FUR him!

Please give your THEM some H&K from ME!


Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

We have been gone so much, but know we are thinking of y'all all the time. (BTW_I want some of that pie I saw!)
You are in our prayers and in our hearts.
God Bless you all
Jamie & the kids

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

It is good that Mom is busy but tell her to be careful too. We are sorry to hear that your Dad is not doing that well. Our prayers and thoughts are with him. And we are sure that it is very good for him to have all of you there with him, even if they have to gate you away when the helpers come.

Hugs, the OP Pack

Mason Dixie said...

No worries, we are thinking of you all each and every day.

Lorenza said...

Hi, friends!
Thanks for the update! We were thinking of you too!
Sorry about your Mom's foot!
Sure her life is not very easy right now.
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Jacks, Narra, Tuchuck, and Rousseau said...

We're thinking of you guys, and especially of your humans. Sorry to hear how tough things have been, but we know you all have a lot of love at home--and from all your bloggie buddies, too!

Sending caring vibes your way!


The Oceanside Animals said...

We won't forget you guys, don't worry. Keep cheering up your mom and dad as much as you can, okay? And watch out for those oxygen canisters.

Sally said...

Thank you for the update - we are sorry to hear that your Mommy has broken her foot - my D always says that when it rains - it pours!

Keep entertaining your Mom and Dad - we are sending them lots of hugs and licks
Sally and Paddy

Patience-please said...

We're thinking of you. For heaven's sake don't worry about visiting other blogs!!! Somethings are way more important, and we'll all be here when you do feel like visiting.

sweet wags of support from the whippets

Lady Kaos said...

Great to hear from you 3. I haven't been around much either. Hope your mom's foot heals fast! I bet that hurt a lot! Big hugs to you 3, your mom and your dad.

Persephone and Buster said...

Hang in there, guys! Just try to keep your mom from breaking the other foot. Symmetry has its advantages, but not when trying to brake a car!

You're in our prayers. Those humans are lucky that God invented airedales!


Persphone, Buster & Bailey

ScrapsofMe said...

It's so good to hear from you all. Patches, I'm betting yer furries have grown out a bunch by now. We just want you to know we think of you often and keep you on our prayer list for strength and healing.
sniffies all around
Bonnie, Puffers and support staff

Eric said...

It was good to hear from you Aires, think of you often. I'm so sad to hear your Mom broke her foot. That's too much on top of everthing else. Look after your Mom and Dad pals, give them plenty of loving. I know you will. And me and my wonderful mini me send your Mom and Dad tenacious terrier zen from over the big pee. Take care all.

Wiry love and kisses Eric xxxx

William Tell said...

We think your Dad is very blessed to be able to stay at home close to your Mom and your gang. And your Mom is an angel for taking care of him, broken foot and all. What a great family you have! Don't forget that dogs are a comfort, too, and I'm sure your Dad can see the humor of the stuffies under the wheels. Give him some love from us!

Happy Tails,
William Tell, Cap and Glynn

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Oh Patches, we will never forget you guys. Thank you for the update on your Daddy. Your momma sounds like she is a good little nurse, even with a broken foot. Ouch. Blessings to your hoomans and you.
BabyRD & Hootie

Lacy said...

w00fs, ur always on our minds too...me sorry ur mama broked her foots...and even sorrier ur dad is not doing well...i dont know what is worst, them going quick (like my sis) did, or watching them suffer each day..i think mayb leaving us quick was easier..(hope that made sense)..we will not furgit u, and its ok u cant visit us, we all still care about u..

b safe,
~rocky and mama~

TwoSpecialWires said...

Poppy, Penny and Patches. There is no WAY we could forget about you and your people. We think about you so often. It makes us smile to know that you are able to find some humor in the cracks and corners of your your days. Smiles have to make everyone feel a bit better. And we mean EVERYONE! We are always glad to get a bit of an update from you. But don't you worry one little bit about commenting on blogs. Everyone understands. We just want the best for all of you.

Take good care.
We love you
Jake and Fergi xxoo

Nelly said...

Oh no! On top of it all now your Mum has a broken foot as well.
We think your Mum is Superwoman doing all the things she does.
Give your Dad a very special nibble from me and, Finni says, a headrub from him. Have fun at the Aire-Care-Fair!
Nelly xx

Agatha and Archie said...

We think of you often and send our love.Your poor Mom..you all had better be extra good and help her out!! Love and kisses A+A

Sherry said...

No matter what is happening, Airedales know how to have fun. They remind us during the times that we might forget.
Hugs from Sherry
Slimy nose-pokes from Alanis & Miro

Fred said...

We will not forget you! So sorry things have been tough for y'all lately.

i said...

Keeping all of you in our thoughts and prayers.

Tenkiller Airedales said...

Oh good grief!!! Don't you guys remember when my mommy broke her foot in June of this year!!! Lordy - Bee it was awful..... your poor mommy!!!! We was wondering if there is anything we can do to help all of you???? Mommy sure wishes she could go to the Aire-Care-Fair..... Aire-Hugs to your dad.... we will keep our paws crossed for him.

Apache and the tribe

Tenkiller Airedales said...

Oh good grief!!! Don't you guys remember when my mommy broke her foot in June of this year!!! Lordy - Bee it was awful..... your poor mommy!!!! We was wondering if there is anything we can do to help all of you???? Mommy sure wishes she could go to the Aire-Care-Fair..... Aire-Hugs to your dad.... we will keep our paws crossed for him.

Apache and the tribe

Tenkiller Airedales said...

Oh good grief!!! Don't you guys remember when my mommy broke her foot in June of this year!!! Lordy - Bee it was awful..... your poor mommy!!!! We was wondering if there is anything we can do to help all of you???? Mommy sure wishes she could go to the Aire-Care-Fair..... Aire-Hugs to your dad.... we will keep our paws crossed for him.

Apache and the tribe

Tenkiller Airedales said...

Oh good grief!!! Don't you guys remember when my mommy broke her foot in June of this year!!! Lordy - Bee it was awful..... your poor mommy!!!! We was wondering if there is anything we can do to help all of you???? Mommy sure wishes she could go to the Aire-Care-Fair..... Aire-Hugs to your dad.... we will keep our paws crossed for him.

Apache and the tribe

Tenkiller Airedales said...

Oh good grief!!! Don't you guys remember when my mommy broke her foot in June of this year!!! Lordy - Bee it was awful..... your poor mommy!!!! We was wondering if there is anything we can do to help all of you???? Mommy sure wishes she could go to the Aire-Care-Fair..... Aire-Hugs to your dad.... we will keep our paws crossed for him.

Apache and the tribe

Tenkiller Airedales said...

Oh good grief!!! Don't you guys remember when my mommy broke her foot in June of this year!!! Lordy - Bee it was awful..... your poor mommy!!!! We was wondering if there is anything we can do to help all of you???? Mommy sure wishes she could go to the Aire-Care-Fair..... Aire-Hugs to your dad.... we will keep our paws crossed for him.

Apache and the tribe

Tenkiller Airedales said...

Oh good grief!!! Don't you guys remember when my mommy broke her foot in June of this year!!! Lordy - Bee it was awful..... your poor mommy!!!! We was wondering if there is anything we can do to help all of you???? Mommy sure wishes she could go to the Aire-Care-Fair..... Aire-Hugs to your dad.... we will keep our paws crossed for him.

Apache and the tribe

Tenkiller Airedales said...

Oh good grief!!! Don't you guys remember when my mommy broke her foot in June of this year!!! Lordy - Bee it was awful..... your poor mommy!!!! We was wondering if there is anything we can do to help all of you???? Mommy sure wishes she could go to the Aire-Care-Fair..... Aire-Hugs to your dad.... we will keep our paws crossed for him.

Apache and the tribe

Inky and Molly said...

Hello there you soldiers. You are doing it tough, we know. Life doesn't sound cushy for your mum and dad and we sure know you are doing the best to help. Hang on in there guys! You have all our love and ether-Aire-support!!
Love, Inky and Molly

Pedro said...

My mom and I haven't been around much but we have been thinking about your mom and dad. Sorry to hear your mom broke her foot! Also sorry to hear your dad isn't feeling very strong. We will continue to think about all of you!

Pedro & my Mom