Friday, February 19, 2010

Day # 7

It has been 7 days, now, since I lost my husband and the girls lost their dad. This entire week has just been surreal. On Monday, Wendy and I went to the funeral home and then out to lunch. I ate about 1/2 of my lunch and that was the most I had eaten since the previous Wednesday. I have no idea why, but the trip to the funeral home wasn't nearly as stressful as I though it was going to be and once it was over, I was a little calmer.

For the first time in a very long time, I have slept a full eight hours for three nights in a row. For two days, I have actually eaten 2 full meals each day along with a snack in between. I know how important it is to eat and sleep! Yes, I've had to force-feed myself, but that's okay. It's also okay that I have lost some weight this week.

Once all the medical equipment was gone, I think it was easier on the 3 P's. Okay, maybe it was just easier on ME, but either way, it was a relief to have it all out of here.

Yesterday, I spent about 2 1/2 hours with a bereavement counselor, here, in my home. He asked me a lot of questions and then just let me talk for as long as I wanted to. He will be coming at least once a week for as long as I need him.

I have an appointment with the Social Security office on Monday...assuming I have the death certificate by then. If not, I will have to reschedule. They have told me that I am eligible to receive a percentage of Stan's SS benefits. That takes a tremendous weight off my mind because although it will still be a struggle financially, it looks like I will be able to stay in my house.

The past couple of days, I haven't cried as much and I have been calmer. I attribute this to all the people who are praying for my strength. It IS working! Thank you VERY MUCH for all of your prayers, crossed paws, Aire-zen and all the other kinds of zen you have been sending! Oh, yeah...PLEASE continue to do so!

Also, I would like to send a very big thank you to Wendy, Inky and Molly and their peeps and to Molly, Taffy and Monty and their peeps for the beautiful flowers! I have taken pictures of them and will post them soon. (Sorry, stupid blogger won't let me create links!)

Thank you to ALL of our DWB family!

Lana (and of course, the 3 P's)


Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you.

The Rocky Creek Gang

Shmoo said...

Little steps forward.

Yes, you should get Social Security survivor benefits. If your husband was prior military and depending on when he served, there are some benefits there as well. Get plenty of copies of the death certificate, they will come in handy for transferring accounts and other things.

I helped my mom get through my father's death, so if you have any questions, just ask.

Meeshka's human woman

Fred said...

We are still thinking of you. Thanks for the update.

Dexter said...

We are continuing to send virtual hugs. I sure hope you can keep the house. That would be a great relief.

Mango Momma

Tabatha said...

We will continue to keep you in our prayers and thoughts that each day will get better for you!

Gus said...

We are continuing to keep you in our prayers and thoughts, and are so encouraged by the thought that you may be able to qualify for at least some benefits!

Regarding death certificates, your funeral director can give you some guidance about how many you will need. And if you don't get enough the first time, he/she can get more. In most cases, they must be "official" copies. And while it is better to have and not need...these are not the kind of thing you want reams of hanging around the house.

barb and Gussie

Gus said...

We are continuing to keep you in our prayers and thoughts, and are so encouraged by the thought that you may be able to qualify for at least some benefits!

Regarding death certificates, your funeral director can give you some guidance about how many you will need. And if you don't get enough the first time, he/she can get more. In most cases, they must be "official" copies. And while it is better to have and not need...these are not the kind of thing you want reams of hanging around the house.

barb and Gussie

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Thanks for the update -

We are relieved to see you are doing better - for lack of a proper word -

That is very nice you have someone to talk to about all that has happened is happening will happen within your heart and head going forward -

And of course, you have 'us' - even if we can't physically be there to help - we are there!

Khyra and Phyll

Lenny said...

We'll keep praying. Glad to hear the good developments.
Your friend, Lenny, and his mom Kelley

Finni said...

Glad to hear you will be able to keep your home, Lana.
We're continuing to send the Aire Zen for you and the girls.
Love and headrubs
Finni & Nelly xx

Duke said...

Not a day goes by that we don't think about you, Lana! We SO hope that you'll be able to stay in your house!
Our thoughts and prayers will absolutely continue for you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie, Mitch and Sue

Jake of Florida said...


Thank you for letting us know how you're doing. You continue to be on our minds and in our hearts. We're so glad the SS benefits may be coming. The thought of your selling the house had disturbed us mightily when you mentioned it.

The wirey zen has a powerful punch. When combined with sibe zen and aire zen -- watch out!!


Joan and the Barkalots

Agatha and Archie said...

Taking it a day at a time is the right way. We have been thinking of all you so often and continue to send you billions of hugs Diana,Aggie and Arch

ScrapsofMe said...

Lana and the 3 P's,
It was good to hear you are coping a little better. We continue to lift you up in prayer for strength and comfort. The 3P's need you more than ever now.

All our love and soft woofie kisses,

Bonne and her support staff, Pam and Rich

Asta said...

I'm so glad to hear that you are eating a little and sleeping, and that you are getting some bereavement help. I was scared you would lose your home, but am so happy that this is not the case. Know that we all are thinking of you and praying for your broken heart.
Cuddle the girls and try to keep healing

love and hugs

smoochie kisses from ASTA

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Glad to hear you are making at least some tiny steps forward. It all takes time. It is good you have the girls too, they should be a good comfort to you. You will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.

Hugs, the OP Pack

Lorenza said...

You are in our thoughts and prayers everyday!
Take care
Kisses and hugs to you and the girls.

River said...

We are thinking of you!! So glad to hear that you can stay in your home. Sending love and hugs to you from River & family.

Sherry said...

There are many ups and downs. Sometimes people expect you to be "healed" by a certain date but it doesn't work that way. Peace will come, though it's not quick or easy. (My husband died at age 51 after 24 yrs together, so I know what you're going through.)
Sherry with Alanis & Miro

Life With Dogs said...

I can't imagine - and it now occurs to me just how much there is to sort out after the loss of a loved one. Great news about keeping the house.

Hugs to you and the furkids...

The Airechicks said...

We've got you tight in our prayers & hearts - please remember to JUST breath - I won't tell you tomorrow will be easier but another day it will be - have faith all will workout and lean on the P's - they know you're hurting and need them.



The Oceanside Animals said...

Hugs, licks, and tail-wags to you!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Lana...we're glad it's a little easier for you now...we've been keeping you constantly in our thoughts and prayers for you to have strength...

It's so hard...but it's a journey like all of life...just please know we are walking it with you...

All the terrier zen and love we can muster....

Scruffy, Stanny, Lac and Mumsie

Koobuss said...

We are so glad and relieved that you are starting to feel better and that you will be able to keep your home. What good news that is.

Hang in there, Lana. It will take time, but you can do it. We're rooting for you!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Nancy at the Farm said...

We can't be there in person, but our hearts are breaking for you. So much to have happen in such a short time. Know our prayers and thoughts are with you.

Mum is going to light candles for you, your husband and Poppy.

Get as much rest as you can and know that around the world people are thinking of you and will help - just ask us.

Love, Dozer, Dottie and Cooper