Hi, every buddy! It's me, Patches We are very sad today because of what happened to Doctor Dre! We still don't know all the details, but we think it never should have happened! We're also sad that Kodiak went to the bridge, yesterday, but we are glad he had such a wonderful life. Once again, we're sorry, stoopid Vista won't let us put in links! We are crossing our paws for all their peeps!
I heard our mom, on the phone, yesterday, making an appointment for somedoggie to get groomed! I was relieved when I heard her say Penny's name, but then she informed me that Penny goes on Tuesday and I go on Thursday! That just sucks! I was pretty sure I was going to escape it this time, but NO! She actually made MY appointment a long time ago!
Well, I guess I AM getting kind of woolie and I would like to cool off a little. It is soooooo hot that our mom keeps our garage door up about a foot or two during the day. She says there are cans of gas in there, gas in two mowers and gas in the Aire-mobile and a pressure washer. We haven't heard any reports of peoples garages blowing up, but she's not taking any chances!
She's also only doing laundry once a week and very early in the morning. Our washer and dryer are in the garage and it's just too hot to be out there for very long! She doesn't know what she was thinking when she had the washer and dryer moved to the garage! It seemed like a good idea, at the time, but in the summer and winter...not such a great idea!
Well, everydoggie, I need to go outside now...just for a second! You wouldn't believe how fast two Aire-girls can run down the steps, do our bidness and get back into the Aire-conditioning!
Patches (and Penny too)
Yes, furry sad but we need to share their khrossings so we khan all paw hugs -
As fur the AIRE, I know the pawer of the Husky Khool AIRE Machine too!
Dear Penny and Patches,
It is indeed heartrending when our furry friends leave for neverland. But then, we would like to believe they are in a happier place, so we don't need to be very very sad and can try and keep wagging.
we are waiting for your post-grooming pictures...do remind your mummy
wags n licks,
ginger and buddy
It is really too bad that people have to be so stupid and do horrible things to dogs like poor Bear Bear. And Dr. Dre, how sad.
It is so hot here too, so we know those haircuts will make you feel a lot better.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Hi Penny and Patches! Thanks for stoppin' by Bocci's Beefs! Next time you're over there, become an official "Follower" if you will :-).
I just became a follower of your blog and I'll put you on my blogroll-thanks!
Something tells me you'll feel a bit cooler with those haircuts-and bet you'll get a few treats!
Your buddy,
Well, good luck at the groomer! We did OK, not missing any furs from the last time we visited, so that is good. And a bit off the edges makes it cooler.
How furry sad this week has been. Dr Dre and Bear Bear will be missed. It's sad that they lost their lives because of a hooman's stupidity.
Mama says I'm going to the groomer tomorrow!
Mya Boo Boo
My mom has been leaving the garage door open all the way all night long for the same reason. She is afraid it is going to blow up from the gas cans in there. Master says she is being a paranoid freak, but she says, so what?
Good luck with your day of beauty. You will be much cooler afterwards I am sure.
Hi, Patches and Penny.
I am very sad too. Dr Dre was a very good friend.
I am sure you two will be happy after your haircuts! It is very hot here too!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
enjoy your spa treatment we too thinks you will feel a lot cooler loves and licks
Aireconditioning is a good idea. When it's hot here we don't do much else either. Stay frosty and we hope that groom will go alright (just don't let them steal your leg furs!)
Hey, what did ya have in those Kongs? Something good?
Stay cool and safe girls!
New airedoo's well thats something we know all about at the mo! We have 1 or is it now 2 works in progress here! LOL
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
A spa day! wow-- guess it's not as much funballs as i think. nevah had one:) woo'll be woolie-less & cooler!!
stay kool,
We think you'll be much happier with shorter furs! Mom says that Sunday could possibly be my spa day!
We are still so sad about Dr. Dre. It just kills us to think about how that poor sweet pup died!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Gee guys...
We have been hearin' About a lot of sadness lately...our heart goes out to everyone who has lost a loved one.....as fer the heat....we are with ya and yer Mom....it has been way too hot this summer and we are gonna welcome the cooler air of fall.....still a way off though but it's comin'....
Dewey Dewster here.....
we are feeling very sad about Dr Dre too. things like that just should not happen.
we're sorry you are so hot. our human worries about our hot garage too. your mom is pretty smart to leave the garage door open a bit.
we're glad you're getting your aire-cuts. it's kind of a pain, but you really feel better afterwards, don't you?
We are so sad abour Dre too. My mom wakes up at night and can't stop thinking about it. We haven't blogged much lately and can't get used to Poppy not being here either. Ziggy is still missed in our house. Can we re-start this year and switch to a different story line? We've lost too many good dawg & people!
Yes, it is so very sad about Dr.Dre. He was such a sweet little fellow.
We were to the groomers on Friday so are nice and cool now. You'll be glad once your hairs are cut.
BabyRocketDog and Hootie
Hey your moma gave up on home grooming? Haroo u r lucky! Mine keeps trying -i wont talk about the last haircut-esch! Hey weren't jake & fergi alot of fun? I showed them my best crackah moves
Ps i hope the fan is blowing thru your woolis right now
Oooh heck. Poor you's. How hot is it there? keep cool with lots of ice cream Patches and Penny. Works better than any aire cut!
Wiry love Eric xx
Dre broke my heart this week. That sweet boy was far too good to suffer such a fate.
Wow it sounds like it's really hot over at your side of the world!! I think you need some pupsicles to keep you cool... Frosty paws are another great alternative!! XOXO
Very sad, we heard about Dr Dre but not about Kodiak. Definitely sad times right now.
WE hope the grooming will not be too traumatic.
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