Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The leaves are falling! The pine straw is falling!

Hey, everydoggie! It's me, Patches! Once again, our mom can't remember which picture is first! Geez Mom, there are only TWO of them! Anyway, one is a picture of my weiner dog right after I did surgery on him! The other one is just ME!

Our mom has been spending a lot of time selling on that Ebay kennel so she can feed us and buy us treats! Good job, Mom, now keep it up! She has also been spending a lot of time out in the yard with the leaf blower. It looks like all our trees have reached their peak of color and the leaves are falling. That isn't ALL that's falling! In Georgia, at this time of year, the pine needles turn brown and fall too...just like the leaves! Peeps around here even pay green papers for the pine straw to use as mulch. Not us, though! We NEVER have to give any green papers 'cause we get plenty of our own pine straw! The trees don't lose ALL their needles, but they lose ENOUGH!

Our mom is also dawg sitting for the little Puggie guys again! Their hooman mom had two hooman pups last week and they are in the NICU in Atlanta since they were bornded a couple weeks early. The mom and dad got a motel room right by the hospital so someone has to check on the Puggies! Mom says it's pretty easy. All she has to do is stop by the mailbox and steal their mails, then she goes to make sure the doggies have plenty of water and foodables. Of course, the puggies jump on her, so when she gets home, we have a great time sniffing her knees. Yep, they are really short doggies!

Well, everydoggie, we have to let our personal secretary get back to the Ebay kennel, now! We hope everyone has a great week!

Patches (and Penny too)


Duke said...

We have lots of pine needles as well as leaves all over our yard too, Patches! Mom uses the pine needles as mulch on several of her plants over the winter, especially the hydrangeas that love acid soil!
We hope your mom makes a ton of money on ebay to keep you guys well fed and happy!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Unknown said...

P and P
most excellent surgery. And good for you training mom to getch green papers from ebay. You are quite talented trainers.

Gus said...

Oh boy...our mom has sold some things on e-bay, but we are sure glad we don't have to wait for her to earn enough for foodables. Your mom is really smart!

Plus she is a nice hooman to help the pubbies and their parents


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Good luck to Mom with her eBay sales. You can never have enough treats.

We don't have any pine needles here, but we sure do have mulch - Ciara loves to chew on it and scatter it all over the yard.

Congrats to the Puggies humans - and all the best to the two new little ones. Twins are fun, we have them here too.

Thanks for your kind thoughts for Phantom.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Noah the Airedale said...

Boy oh boy you sure did a good job on that weiner dog.

Noah x

Wyatt said...

That stuffie, looks like all of our stuffies! After the first surgery, they don't last too long!

Wyatt and Stanzie

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I didn't let Khousin Harley see the pikh of the stuffie ;-)

Glad the ebay kennel says are going well -

We've got leaves dropping like khrazy - and of khourse Khousin Harley tries to snag all of 'em during our walks -

Khongrats to the double humanpuppies and their family!

Khyra and The Golden Khousins

Lorenza said...

Hi, Patches!
Looks like you did a good surgery on your weiner dog!
We don't have a yard... but all the leaves from the trees around our house come to stay at our front door!
I am sure your mom is selling lots of pawesome things on Ebay!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

TwoSpecialWires said...

Boy oh Boy. We had branches and limbs fallin' from our trees today. And trees fallin' on houses (not ours ... but we feel bad for the poor folks who were the targets). But our pine needles are holding on tight. They just turned brown ... but they're not ready to let go. Yet.

We wondered how long that weiner dog stuffie was gonna last. And, honestly, we're glad to see his innerds were white, and not Lacie Lakie colored like the purple cyclops that our friend Eric just destuffed. We're worrying about where all the tan and brown stuffing is coming from.

Take care. And watch carefully. We don't want your moma selling any of your favorite things in that eBay shoppe.

Your faithful pals
Jake and Fergi

doyle and mollie said...

oh that wiener dog looks like he is in critical condition - loves and licks x

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hey girls,
Glad that all's well in your world!! Hehehe.. Patches, you did a really good job with that weiner dog..
Hope that the 2 human pups that belong to the puggies will be well enough to go home soon.

Hollie and Janie said...

Yall are the best de-stuffers of stuffed animals!! We actually got some rain here in AL this week... I'd forgotten what it was like!!

Unknown said...

HI P & P,
You did an excellent job with that weirner stuffy, we must say!
Good luck to Mummy with the ebay sales. Many people here too are into it very seriously and are doing very well, we hear. We hope you get lots of green papers for your treats.
Hope the human pups are back home now and the puggies are teaching them all about this new world!
Have a fun-filled and SPOOKYYY HALLOWEEN!
wags, Ginger nd Buddy

Life With Dogs said...

Looks like surgery was a success! :)

TwoSpecialWires said...

Hey! We're back! With some VeryImportantInformation. Bear with us, OK?

OK. We're gonna admit. Straightaway. No bones about it. We're taking the easy peasy way out. We want to get around to EVERYONE on our blog roll to remind you about the Second Annual Worldwide Moment coming up on Sunday 14 Nov 10. Were you there last year? Do you remember? Or are you new to it this year? Wondering what that Countdown Clock is on blogs that you visit? Whatever. We want you and everyone you know to have a chance to participate in the Silent Minute, the Candle Lighting and the Shout Out! Come visit. We've got a new banner for you, HTML for an (accurate, now that the word UNTIL is in red) Countdown Clock and a link to figure out what time 11:00 PM GMT is in your neck of the woods.

So. You're getting this 'cause we've been friends in the blogging world and we want you to know.

Please forgive the "stock" comment, but we told Moma we've never done this before and we'll not do it again (at least until next year.)

Loads of wirey love and lots of encouragment to join in (and to pass the word)
Jake and Fergi (and OurMoma and OurCollegeGirl)

George The Lad said...

That ebay thing can come addictive just like blogging!!!!, At least blogging don't cost anything! mind you if your selling then its a different matter :)
If you get time, try and stop by my blog I have some things going on and I would love you to join in, if you can get mom away from ebay!!
See Yea George xxx

Buy WoW Warlock said...

oh my.
what a sight.
did the surgery went well?:D

Asta said...

Patches and Penny,
Congwatulations to youw mom fow being so wesouwceful..I hope she makes tons of gween papews on that Ebay thingy!
I hope you get a chance to womp in that lovely fall leaf picle
smoochie kisses

The Black and Tans. said...

We have been helping sort the leaves. Hooman sweeps them and we spread them around again. lol

Hope your Mum continues to do well on the Ebay kennel.

Molly, Taffy and Monty

Anonymous said...

hello there thanks for your grat post, as usual ((o: