Tuesday, April 5, 2011

We need some advice!

Hi, everydoggie! It's me, Penny! Yeah, I know...I hardley ever get to post, thanks to that "other" dog! Today, we are looking for some advice. A couple weeks ago, I had all my yearly shots and the v-e-t removed a mass from the tip of one of my ears. It kind of looked like a raisin but it kept bleeding. Yep, it was skin cancer. I had one sort of like it, a few years ago, on the same ear and didn't come back until now. The problem is that he didn't get all of it, so we are SURE it will come back (or go somewhare else!) This isn't our biggest concern, though!

Mom let the v-e-t do all the blood tests on me since I am 12 years old now. One of the results has our mom really concerned. My BUN is elevated, but my Creatinine(sp?)is okay. He says I also have very dilute urine with blood and lots of protein in it. Right now, I am on a course of high powered antibiotics and 7 days from now, when I finish them, Mom has to chase me around the backyard and catch my pee in a paper dish! (I can't WAIT to see THIS!)

For now, my mom is trying not to freak out from the possibility that I may be going into kidney failure! She's probably going to put me on a gluten free diet whether I have it or not. We just don't know what kind to get. Some peeps don't like the KD, for some reason and we got a $5 off coupon for Nutro's new grain free. Anybody got any ideas?

If you could see how I act, you wouldn't know that I had anything wrong. I can still make it to the gate in 3.2 seconds and since I have been on the antibiotics, I'm woofing down my food like I used to! I am getting a little hard of hearing, though. Mom says that may be a GOOD thing since I don't bark so much at the thunder. Hey, I don't need to bark...Patches does enough barking for BOTH of us! (That's why our mom is kind of cranky today...it thundered most of the night last night!"

So...if anydoggie has any ideas about foodables or treats, we would really appreciate the advice! I need to go back outside, now, so I can bring in some more red clay. Lots of rain overnight = nice gooshey mud between our toes! Good times!



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Kari in Alaska said...

when we ate grain free we loved Taste Of the Wild. It is very reasonably priced (near us its 35 bucks for a 30lb bag) and there are different varieties.


Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

We think Maggie of Maggie and Mitch and Miss Sunshade are all on kidney diets. You might want to consult with them.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi

PS - please stop by sometime - we're having a contest.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We do EVO chicken and turkey which is grain free. There are a number of good ones out there now.

Sorry to hear about the lump, we know all about those here - way too many. We hope that maybe it is just a kidney infection or something like that and the antibiotics will clear things up. Paws crossed for you, Penny.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Gus said...

Lumps in abundance here too, and I was gonna suggest either MitchnMaggie or the wonderdale, Miss Sunshade for tipe on the diet. We will keep paws crossed and send the muzzer to light a few candles.

gussie n teka

George The Lad said...

Sorry I can't help, but the rocky creek scotties are right, go and see Maggie and Mitch and Miss Sunshade.
Paws crossed for you
George and Jan xxx

Jake of Florida said...

We agree on the above advice -- but as for pee catching, here is what our 'rents do: They don't use a dish, they use a pot with a handle and kind of shove it under me (JH) when I lift my leg. It takes a few tries but it works. They they transfer the stuff to a jar with a lid.

Oops, just remembered, we're talking about lady dogs here --- so a pot won't work. Nevermind...

Wirey love,

Just Harry

Perhaps a flat saute pan? You know that old saying, a pot to hiss in???

Shmoo said...

Go check out the Kidney links on gimpy dogs and join the k9 kidney diet group, they are fantastic!

Meeshka and the gimpy gang

Inky and Molly said...

Oh Penny Bear. That's not the kind of news we want to hear. We hope you are traveling comfortably, get some advice of Sunshade :)
Lots of love,
I & M

Asta said...

Dawling Penny

I was so sowwy to heaw that you awe not well, but luckily all the clevew woofies who answewed befowe me had wondewful , faboolous advice. I will cwoss my paws that you twy those and they will wowk fow you.
I was happy to heaw that you awe enjoying life and not acting sick in any way.
It's cold and wainy hewe too, but we have no clay to moosh between my footies..enjoy it fow me
smoochie kisses to you and Patches and youw sweet Mommy too

Duke said...

We are sorry to hear about the booboo on your ear, Penny. What a bummer that you don't think they got it all.
We would be more than happy to send you the diet that I eat every day plus all of the supplements that I take. Elaine and Sunshade are brilliant at this stuff. If it wasn't for them, I might not be here right now.

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Sally Ann and Andy said...

I am so sorry about the KD stuff. I will help Mommy make some cookies for you. My sister Sylvie, and my brother Mack both had KD. Mommy made some special cookies that were KD friendly. Mack ate some food that came from the vets. He never had any issues with his KD stuff because of the food. Some dogs live for years on the food. My sister Sylvie didn't show any signs till the very end. Mommy says it is very deceptive because doggies don't show any weakness until it's to late.
Sally Ann and Andy

Dexter said...

Miss Penny,
I do not have any wise words, but I am glad to hear that you are feeling OK even if your insides are acting weird. I suggest video for the big pee pee collection chase. Hehehe. Feel well, paws crossed.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

All of the above!

Woo knew woo khould khount on your khanine pals to khome through fur woo!

BTW, I'm with Mango: VIDEO!

PeeEssWoo: Mom says she used to khollekht her furst Sibe Taltia's pee each morning fur adjusting her insulin amount - Mom says she feels furry lukhky that it was so easy to do after reading all the others stories!

Lorenza said...

I really hope everything is going to be ok!
I eat k/d because is the only one special food for kidneys available here. So far, no problems.
Maggie and Sunshade sure can give you good advice!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Penny love,

First of all we are most remiss about going around and visiting...we hope you kids are doin' well...as for your kidney issues...it's not uncommon for a lady of your delicate age to have some renal issues...we saw others have mentioned Maggie (of Maggie and Mitch) and dear Miss Sunshade for advice...our old foxie had dilute pee for a while...it just meant he had to get his butt outside more often!!

We hope you can get some answers!!

We've missed ya!!!

XXOO Scruffy, Lacie and Stanny

Wyatt said...

We are crossing our paws for you, Penny! It's good that you are eating up your food and running fast.

Wyatt and Stanzie

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sunshade said...

Hey gurrrrrls!! Sorry I have been absent from blogland, and was just informed by the beautiful Miss Maggie that your mom was a little concerned about your recent test results.... so... I'm going to get mum to send you guys a fb msg!

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

Oskar said...


Natures's Variety Prairie dog food is gluten free. Here are a couple of links.

On this page it's #3: http://www.brighthub.com/pets/dogs/articles/37014.aspx

Their website is www.Naturesvariety.com.

If you have any questions you can e-mail us at pbu at comcast dot net. We don't work for their company or anything, but it's what I feed my dog.

Good luck,
Pam & Oskar

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi, Miss Sunshade's mom is the answer...

TwoSpecialWires said...

Oh boy. Or, rather, girl. We're sad to read that you're dealing with issues of the ... ummmm ... older doggie. Moma says she's been through it before ... and she knows how overwhelming and frustrating the decisions are. What we've learned from her is there is no one answer. There are lots of different approaches for lots of different dogs. You've been led to some great resources, and have been given some really good suggestions. Even KD is a good alternative ... for some dogs. We'll be sending best wishes for confidence in the decisions you make ... and make again ... and keep making as you hone in on what's gonna be best.

Most of all ... we want you HEALTHY! And happy. WE'RE sure happy you got a chance to post.

Much love and many xxx
Jake and Fergi

Agatha and Archie said...

Well being late(as usual) we were going to suggest what everyone has already suggested!! We are glad you are feeling better though.. and would like to be a fly on the wall when she has to get that pee!! hee hee Pl2 says it is not easy. Love A+A

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