Thursday, July 21, 2011

Please send us the power of the paw, Aire-zen, Wiry-zen or whatever you have!

Hi, every buddy! It's me, Penny! Mom let me do the post today to ask all of you for a BIG favor. Lately, I am having trouble getting up and down the steps and I HAVE to get down there to do my bidness. When I am coming back up, I do pretty well until the top step. Mom has been helping me! She goes down the steps with me every time I go and she's right behind me when I come back up...just in case I need some help. Most of the time, I need at least a LITTLE help! Mom has been trying to get me to go out the FRONT door because there are only 2 steps there. It's not likely that I will go out that way any time soon! For the more than 11 years that I have lived here, I have always known that I wasn't allowed out the front door. And NOW she WANTS me to go out there! What is WRONG with that woman?

I would really appreciate it if you could all send me some Aire-zen, Wirey-zen or whatever kind of zen you have! I know that the Power of the Paw works and I could sure use some right now!

Yes, I am almost 12 1/2 years old, so this is no big surprise, but it would sure be nice if I could have some more time to go up and down the stairs by myself. Two days ago, I made it to the top step, but then I couldn't stand all the way up to walk into the house. My mom REALLY freaked out then! Once she got me settled and I was stretched out on the carpet, she jumped into the Aire-mobile and went to the health food store. She got me some soft chewy peanut better thingys that are glucosomine and condroiten. They are suppose to help strengthen my back leggies...at least that's what the man at the store said.

Mom went to the v-e-t and got me some pills for pain. I only have one week's worth because they want to SEE me! (Of course they do, they can't charge my mom for an office visit if they don't actually see my beautimous face!) Other than the issue with steps, I'm doing pretty well! I am still snarfing my food down really fast and Aire-snapping at Mom and Patches. Yesterday, I even had a bath and toenail trim. My mom took me in the shower and we BOTH got clean! That wasn't exactly how it was supposed to go, but that's how it worked out! I laid down and let my mom cut my toenails! All 20 of them! Mom thought it was a miracle! Too bad she can't do that to Patches! Not even with a muzzle! I don't need no stinking muzzle, because I'm a gooooood girl!

Well, every buddy, my pain pill is making me kind of sleepy zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Aire-hugs and big thank yous to everyone who sends me healing thoughts!

Penny (and of course, Patches)


George The Lad said...

Paws crossed for you Patches and some positive vibes coming your way, hug and a kiss for mom to :)
Love and Hugs George and Jan xxx

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi Penny, my dad said that if your stiffness is due to arthritis then acupuncture may help. My mom and dad took my Uncle Max (I never met him but my dad said it was just before my time) had Penny's problem and my mom and dad took him to see Janice (same vet that Miss Sunshade and her evil mum see) and after three sessions, Uncle Max could move around and do stairs with significantly reduced stiffness. My mom and dad went every weekend for more than a year and then cut back a bit. The "but" here is that it may not work for all dogs but it won't hurt them either (like Metacam) and you'll know after a few treatments whether it's working or not. Feel like coming north for a visit or maybe look for an accredited practitioner down where you are. Here's a link to a post that I wrote about acupuncture http://mydogsam01.blogspot.com/search?updated-max=2010-08-13T22%3A49%3A00-07%3A00&max-results=3

Inky and Molly said...

Baby, you're a lady now so it's ok to have other people do stuffs for ya. you and mum just be careful with them steps, they can be a bugger, especially in the wet. Our pink person was helping max up our stairs at the back cause he's blind and then he wiggled and she flew backwards and nearly split her head. She was out for a few moments but we got her back with tongue to face. Wat about a ramp, can you get that put in?

Duke said...

I totally understand, Penny! We Senior girls need to take all of the help that our moms are offering! We are sending you lots of AireZen and crossing our paws that the pills will help and the peanut butter thingy will do wonders for you!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Jake of Florida said...

Penny, we're sending you our double doses of wiry zen!!! We've been taking that peanut butter chewy thing to help our joints and we hope it works for you.

We know they say you can't teach a (mature) dog new tricks -- but perhaps you would consent to trying the front door if there were treats involved???

We love you both -- and your mom and we know it's not easy for her to give you that final push!!!

Wirey love,

Jake and Just Harry

Dexter said...

Aw Miss Penny, it is tough to get old, isn't it? My house is like yours in that there is no way to get to the potty place without going up and down those stairs and it can be hard when your joints are sore.

I take metacam for my sore joints and momma calls it liquid gold because it is so expensive, but you would not need as much as I take. It does help. It also helps that momma does my physical therapy stretches and strengthening with me almost every day.

Now you being a normal sized dog, maybe you could get a helper harness that goes around your hiney to make it easier for mom to help you up and down.

Keep us posted, OK?


Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Penny, we're sending the power of 20 paws your way - that's got to count for something!!

Our Mom's not a Vet, but she used to give Java a coated aspirin in the morning and in the evening for pain - it helped him. Our Vet is a practical man. He knew that Java had a hard time getting in and out of the Scottie-mobile and up and down the steps so he just wanted him to stay as comfortable as he could and not take all of the green papers our Mom had so he didn't insist that Mom bring Java in to see him.

Hugs and prayers from all of the Rocky Creeks Clan

Lacy said...

w00fs, Penny, we is sending u healing vibes...and hope they can help u feel better soon...

b safe,

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Crossing my Golden PAWS n Sending you Lots of Golden LOVE. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

HoundDogMom said...

Penny, seen on Mango's blog you are needing some DROOL. We send you lots of DROOL and hope you feel better soon. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

Kess And Her Mama said...

Sigh...old age shows...hope the glucosamine works. I've been taking it since I was 8 coz my humans reckon with all my 7 foot fence climbing (which also means jumping down 7 foot fence), they better start early.

Duke said...

Airezen is being hurled your way, Penny! Woofs * Licks!

The Black and Tans. said...

Penny we are so sorry to read you have been having some creaky moments. We hope the vet can prescribe something to help you feel much more comfy. Airezen coming over to you.
Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie.

the many Bs said...

hey Missy Penny, we are sending you bunches and bunches of power of the Bs to get stronger to get up and down those steps. we know you can do it!


Gus said...

Wirey zen and JRT tenacity on the way to you now! We are sorry you are not feeling chipper, and hope that the pain pills help a bit.

Power of the Paw

Gussie n Teka

Chloe and Cecil said...

We awe sending you Wirey Zen, Paws crossed, purrs and purrayers. We hopes you fell bettew soon but , in the mean time, just let you Mom help you up the steps. Also, maybe you could use da fwont doow so it be easiew fow you!

Asta said...

Dawling sweet Penny
Fowgive me fow not visiting lately Mommi has been unoosooally lax and howwibull about getting awound to my fwiends.I am most cewtainly going to send you all my foxy stwength and cwossed paws and of couwse a hooge twuckload of healing smoochie kisses
You have lots mowe time to go go up those staiws..we all love you and youw Mama and Patches want to have you to snuggle and kiss and sometimes snap at fow ages
smoochiest of kisses to all of you
Asta and Mommi

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Penny...we read the comments here and are just so happy to be a part of a community that has SUCH GOOD IDEAS!!

Mango mentioned about the hiney helper...(his hiney is too ginormous which is tough on his momma) and we read about the treats and the front door...HOLD OUT FOR HOT DOGS...

And some of the anti inflamatories take a bit of time to get in your system so we hope they continue to help you even more...and we love love love the acupuncture idea...it totally helped Miss Sunshade.

So we don't have anymore ideas but we are sending our love, dear Girl...and to Patches and your mom...


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanny

Sally said...

OH no! We are sending joint oiling wirey zen! We like the idea of acupuncture -

Lots of hugs
Sally and Paddy

Ruger said...

Hi there Lady Penny,

My name is Ruger & I hafe not been to your bloggie afor because I jist started writing my bloggie not long ago.
I would like to sent you lots of heeler healing hugs. My Mumma says that a trip to Dr Vet might be a good plan, 'cause you might get some medicines to help your leggies work better.

I will send some smoochies & slobbers too,
Your furiend Ruger

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Hi Miss Penny, I hope you are feeling better real soon. My Angel sissy Kara had the arthritis and Dad gave her three fish oil tablets a day and after about a month her back leggies seemed much better. She was able to get up and down heaps good. Hope this might help. No worries, and love, Stella

Karen Raye and Bentley Beargrass said...

Hello Miss Penny,

Sending lots Aire-Zen your way and we agree that fish oil seems to help a wee bit. It is in our diet everyday too. Hope you get moving better soon!

Aire-hugs from Texas..

Wyatt said...

Hope you feel better soon. My sister Stanzie takes Rimadyl anti-inflammatory medicine for that. She furgets that she is 9.5 years old and zooms around and then she is all stiff and sore. Can you make a ramp to go outside?
Get better, Penny!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Hope you are feeling better soon!

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

Moondance Huskies said...

Hi Penny,
Our entire team of 7 sled dogs and 3 kitties will be sending you the Power of the Paw and healing husky and kitty vibes! One of our group is about 14 yrs old and is having a few problems too, so we understand! Hope you feel better real soon!
Hugs & Howls,
Skye, the Moondance Huskies, Kitties and mom

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Hi Penny,
This is Sally Ann. When my big brother was so ill, accupuncture really helped him. In Atlanta, at out vets office, there is a vet who does accupuncture. Mommy also knows someone who does doggie accupuncture outside of Atlanta. Also, let us know if you need any numbers.
Sally Ann

Sunshade said...

Oh Penny, I'm sorry you are having a wee bit of problem with those stairs. I think trying to get you going in the front yard is a good idea, maybe your mom can walk you from the front yard to the backyard where you're used to doing your business?? Acupuncture really helps me a lot like many of my friends have suggested. I'm also getting a liquid glucosamine/chondroitin supplement that mum found to work really well with me (I don't respond to capsules/chews, only liquid because it absorbs better). The hind end sling is also a good idea, but your mom would have to help you with that.

Take care girlie.... lots of AireZEN your way!! Congrats at being a healthy 12.5 yr old!

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

The Black and Tans. said...

Hello Penny how are you feeling? We hope you are much better now.

MOlly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie