Wednesday, January 18, 2012

We hope everydoggie is having a great January!

Hey, everydoggie! It's me, Patches! Who ELSE would it be? I am the only doggie who lives here! We don't have a whole lot of news, but around here, that's a GOOD thing!

One day it's hot and the next day, it's cold! It's a wonder we don't all have pneumonia! (Ha! I bet you thought I couldn't spell pneumonia!) Most of our trees have buds, which is WAY wrong for January! I'm pretty sure they will end up getting frozen.

My mom has been putting lots of stuffs on that eBay place. I'm watching to make sure she doesn't try to sell any of my stuffies! I have been keeping busy moving from the cold kitchen floor to the warm carpet, depending upon what kind of day it is. Sometimes I have to be on the carpet in the morning and then move to the kitchen floor in the afternoon. It's furry confusing...Mom never knows where I will be next.

That's all the news that IS the news from Airedale Heaven! We hope you are all having a great January whether you have snow or warm temperatures!



Sherry said...

We'll be happy to send you some of our snow. We have too much!

Duke said...

Mom was actually enjoying the warmer temps for January but today the temps dropped bigtime so we're back to winter, Patches!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

WE have been having the same temps here!
Hot... cold... hot.... cold...
Thankfully... no snow!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Pedro said...


Some of the daffodils are pushing through the ground her in NY and that is WAY WAY too soon! Mom says, bring on the Spring (wishful thinking in January).


All4UrPet said...

Gosh I hope you manage to stay warm! It's cold here in Florida too (we are practically neighbors!) and people think that it's supposed to be warm here year round... Wouldn't they be surprised! Hehe. Hope you manage to guard all of your stuffies so they don't end up on ebay! Best wishes!


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Duke said...

Patches, you look like you are having fun no matter what the weather is! Good for you!

GRAÇA said...

I'm a kitten named Kika and temosamigos in common, as such I would love to be your friend
Will you be my friend?
I am waiting for your visit
Turrinhas of

Kasha said...

Patches is looking good! Stay warm!
Kasha and Africa

The Thuglets said...

Patches you look like you are having fun. Hope the ebay selling is going well but definitely keep an eye open that she doesn't sell you stuffies!
Have a good week
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Hi Patches! Want to have a play date sometime? I'll bring treats.
Sally Ann

kingslandkennels said...

Nice blog