Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My mom and I are still around!

This is a very short post to let you know that we are still around. We could use some of your prayers, good vibes and whatever kind of zen you have. I can't go into details, right now, but don't worry...it isn't life threatening.

It's also kind of a sad time for us since it is February. Some of you may remember, it was 2 years ago on the 12th that my dad had to go to heaven and today is 2 years since Poppy joined him. We are trying not to focus on painful stuffs, but sometimes we just can't help it.

On a more pleasant note, the barn where my mom and Aunt Wendy ride those really BIG dogs, is having a horse show and family fun day in March. (By the way, my mom says those really BIG dogs are actually horses). Anyway, my mom is helping with some of the stuffs for the big day. Some of the peoples are bringing their doggies, but Mom says I can't go because I am too much of a hooligan and she will be too busy to watch me constantly. I do, however, get to snoopervise the cookie making. Yep, they're making cookies in the shapes of horses! PEOPLE cookies, not HORSE cookies! Hey, maybe they could make some horse cookies too! Just an idea, Mom!

Well, everydoggie, I'm on a mission to catch one of those skwerrels that are trying to take over my back yard. I always seem to miss them by an inch or two. My mom says I'm fast, but THEY are faster!



The Black and Tans. said...

Patches thank you for your update, it is good to know you amd your Mom are well. Hugs to you both.

Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

Duke said...

You got it, Patches - prayers, good vibes and AireZen is coming your way.
I hope you get a couple of those horse cookies!

Love ya lots,

Wyatt said...

Sending happy thoughts and Aire-Zen your way, Patches! Have fun with the cookie making...do you need any help?


Sally Ann and Andy said...

Hi Y'all, Can Mommy and I come to your Horsie event? I love playing with big doggies. Mommy has a treat for your Mommy from Paris.
Sally Ann

Dexter said...

Miss Patches,
You know you have my good thoughts. I hope whatever is going on gets settled soon.


Gus said...

Good thoughts and terrier vibes to you and your mom...and we should tell you that the sqrrrrls here in VA are faster than the ones in Mayemphis, and Teka hasn't caught one yet. So don't feel too bad, OK


Jake of Florida said...

We're sending you tons of wirey zen -- it's kind of like aire zen -- but comes in a smaller package!

You have our prayers and good thoughts -- and our hopes the happy memories of your dad and Poppy will help in the February blues!

Wirey love,

Jake and Just Harry

Duke said...

Hi Patches, thanks for writing.I hope you were able to give those squirrels a good work out!

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi Patches, we're sending you good thoughts and tail wags from Canada.

Rocco said...

Last time I got a cookie I got busted...dad snuck it to me, swore he didn't, and forgot to wipe the purple frosting off my face. Woops!

hkairedalespack said...

Sending prayers and warm positive thoughts your way. Great hearing from you all.
Hugs, Miley and Mariah

The Thuglets said...

Patches..great to see you and your Mom around! We are sending you tons of pawsative thoughts and airezen.
Say Hi to Aunty Wendy for us.

Have great weekend
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

julee said...

Patches we remember the very stinking February 2 years ago. And we are glad to see you are doing well, mom is busy and things are ok.
We'll send you prayers for what ever is going on.
Violet and company

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Yes dear,sending PawPower and prayer your way. Sorry February is a sad month for you. We know your daddy and Poppy meant so much to you and your mama. We love you.
BRD & Hootie

ps - Horsies are scary!

Shane Kent Louis said...

I'm glad that you and your human mom are doing well. Me and my human parents (Momsy and Popsy), we'll all be praying for complete restoration. :)

Dog Fence

Casper Bear said...

I am so glad that you and your Mom are doing well.
Lotsa Licks
Casper Bear

Oskar said...

Hi Patches, my name is Oskar. I'm so sorry that February has so many bad memories for you. Especially now that it sounds like someone is sick.

It's March now & I just know things will get better for you & your family.

Nubbin wiggles,

kingslandkennels said...

Very nice blog...