Friday, September 28, 2012

Guess what we got!

Hi, everydoggie! It's me, Princess Patches! Yes, I am still the princess, but it seems that the big Jagger boy is becoming the KING of my house. I think my mom is in love with him. She's always loving on him and making up new names for him and stuffs like that! Should I be jealous? Oh, and his newest name is FrankenJagger for halloweenie! Okay, back to the purpose of my post. This is a new sign that will be posted somewhere on our fence. We haven't figured out just exactly WHERE yet. My mom would LIKE to put it on our front door, but she's afraid that might look a little tacky. Maybe we can get her to put it on a post in our front yard. Then all the peoples who walk or drive by would know that Airedales live here. Also, any burglars should think twice before crossing the jaws (I mean PATHS) of 3 hungry Airedales. Of course, all they have to do is take one LOOK at FrankenJagger and they would RUN the other way! That boy is twice as big as me and Ezzy! If you would like a sign like this with your dog's breed on it, click here. The peoples over there are really great to work with. The first sign we got looked like some kind of terrier, but not an Airedale. My mom pee-mailed them and sent them a picture of what an Airedale is supposed to look like. This is the new sign and we think it's pawfect! In case the link doesn't work, just type this into your browser: mysecuritysign.com/breed/dog-signs-by-breed.aspx. They have lots of different signs to choose from and it doesn't have to say "crossing". They have other ones too! That's it for today, everydoggie! Aire-hugs, Patches and Ezzy Rider and FrankenJagger too


Jake of Florida said...

Very cool. Our dad is a transportation engineer so we think would be delighted to mark our house as a WFT crossing. What do you think??

Wirey love,

Jake and Just Harry

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Furry nice!

I'm sure woo will snoof out the pawfekht place fur it!


Sherry said...

I had my sign in the front window but now I don't remember where I put it!

Duke said...

What a cool sign! We would have that right next to our back door so we could seen it 87 times a day going in and out!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

The Black and Tans. said...

Pawsome sign . Have you decided yet where to put it?

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Seriously??? Easy Rider et all is living you???? WOW!!!!! Three dales back in your house!!! THAT'S PAWSOME!

XXXXOOOOOOOO to every dog and hooman!!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley

Wyatt said...

Great sign! We have one on our gate with an Airedale. It says, 'My Airedale can make it to the fence in 2.8 seconds..can you?' No problem with burglars here!


Asta said...

Hewo pwinsessPatches. You will always be THE pwinsess, no mattew how cool Ezzy and Jaggew awe. What a wondewful house full of aiwekids. I love youw sign. Mommi says she'd put it on hew doow if she was yoow Momma, heheheFwankenJaggew, hehehe
Think of you all the time!
Sending love and smoochie kisss to all of you

Duke said...

Congratulations to you, Patches! You won one of the mini-mittens! We are absolutely thrilled for you!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

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World of Animals, Inc said...

Patches, we are loving your new sign. We are very happy for you. Now, people will be warned about the crossing sign. Thanks for sharing the great update. Have a wonderful day.
World of Animals

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