Thursday, March 13, 2008

Pockets got a package from Scruffy, Lacie & BabyStan!

Hello to all our furry and not-so-furry friends! I, Pockets got a package in the mail, yesterday. It is from Scruffy, Lacie, BabyStan and their Mumsie! I was so excited that I could hardly wait to open it! There are no pictures of me opening it because evil Mom opened it for me. She said something about there being something in there that she didn't want me to destroy. Me? Would I do that? Ok, so maybe she was right! They sent me a package of natural dog treats that are peanut butter and molasses flavor. They are yummy! Too bad I had to share with those 2 girl-dogs! I also got some square rawhides and some rawhide bones! Yum! My very favorite thing was an Extra Large Kong Wubba! I just looooove it! I love it so much that after about an hour of wrapping my large 'dale teeth around it, I actually uncovered the tennis ball on the small end! Before I did that, though, I drove Dad crazy with the squeaker! He kept saying that I was going to break something because I was slinging it all over the place! He finally put me in my crate so I could enjoy it in peace without putting out any windows or anything!

It was soooooo fun! While I had my evening training session, Mom threw the Wubba into the living room so Penny and Poppy could play with it. Well, that didn't work out so well...with all the squeaking they were doing, I couldn't stay focused on my training. Mom won't try THAT again! Right now, my Wubba is resting on top of the 'fridge because I will have to be snoopervised when I play with it, now, due to the exposed tennis ball! So not fair!!!!!

Hi everydog! It's me, Poppy. My eyes are a little better this morning, but they are still pretty bloodshot. Mom keeps wiping them with distilled water and sterile saline. That sure feels good! Mom and Dad are trying to keep the big fuzzy boy away from me, but sometimes I just have to get right in his face! How else am I going to show him what he did to me and tell him not to do it again? He's such a big doofus that I'm not sure he's getting the picture. Every time he sees me, he wants to play bitey-face! When my eyes get better, Mom says we can play while being snoopervised. I guess that's better than no bitey-face at all!

Hi everyone! It's me, Penny! I am really enjoying my new senior dog food and having Mom and Dad keep the big furry beast from biting my back legs! I like to chase him, but I am not too excited about the leggie biting thing! I wanted to let everyone know that the three wheelies you saw in a previous post are on their way to Scruffy, Lacie and BabyStan's house. They will be transported as soon as Mom gets their adoption certificate and crate ready for them. We are hoping they arrive before Opal's wheelie pawty! They wouldn't want to miss out on that!

Poppy and I are going to have a nap now until Stacey gets here. Once she arrives, we have to have a major playing session with her. Also, she has to meet Captain High Pockets and we are sure he will have to join in the play session, too. Oh, yeah, Mom wanted us to tell you that she did NOT fall down yesterday (or so far, today)! She is getting slightly less sore in her muscles, but fuzzy boy bit her hand, this morning and caused her to smack her forehead into the back of a chair. So...the abuse continues! We sure hope he grow up fast!


Poppy, Penny & Pockets


Dexter said...

Your place sounds insane! Hope you guys can work out how to play together. I am supposed to be "working things out" with Dexter, but so far I'm just kind of confused.


William Tell said...

Don't you just love the excitement of having three terriers in the house? We know it's fun here! It keeps those Moms on their toes, for sure. hee hee

William Tell

Duke said...

hehehehe We just read what Tell wrote! We can't imagine having 3 Terriers in the house! Mom says that two are plenty and I, Maggie, totally agree on this issue! I like my legs with no teeth marks in them, thank you very much!

Love ya lots,
Maggie & Mitch

Lady Kaos said...

Your house sounds a little crazy right now. I'm exhausted after reading your post so I'm going to go take a long nap now.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

We are so glad out package got there and that you like it!! We love our Wubba...though it did take us a tad longer to get the tennis ball out!

Oh...there is a bite mark on my leggie...when Mumsie picks me up and wipes my feet, Lacie jumps up and chomps on my body parts. Hmm....I hope it doesn't get 'fected.

Perhaps your eyes are all bloodshot cuz ur allergic to Pockets???? Doggie Bennydryl????

Gotta run...we're off to the park!


Harry said...

Gosh Pockets, look what you did to your Wubba! Cassidy has Oscar's yellow Wubba, but neither of the has managed to put so much as a tooth mark in it so far. You must have some teeth on you!

Toodle pip
Harry x

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Pockets, Penny and Poppy -

It's nice to meet you too. Mama is new to the blogging world so she is learning all the tricks. She is still trying to figure out how to link our blogs to other dog blogs.

Have a good evening!

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Stanley said...


I can't keep up with everything going on there, buddies! Glad Penny's liking her new food. Poppy Girl, I'm glad your eyes are feeling better. Let your mama keep tending to them.

Now... Pockets! I'm getting the idea that you're a big Goober pup! How do I know, you ask? It's cuz I'M the KING of the goobers, and I know one when I see one.

If you ever want to refine your gooberocity, please let me know. I can help with that.

Goober love & smooches,

Pee Ess
Is your mama ever going to have more of those felted stuffies on ebay again?

Noah the Airedale said...

Great parcels are just the best fun. We need help opening ours too. It's funny how pinkys like to put wubba's on top of the fridge. Ours lived there for a while but it has disappeared.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Huskee and Hershey said...

There sure is a lot of activites happening over at your place. Can we swop places sometime? My place is a tad boring and quiet.. Hey, I just realised that Penny, Pockets and Poppy = 3Ps.. it's like the 3 lead characters in my mom's favourite show - Charmed where they had Paige, Piper and Phoebe..

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

Those look like nice gifts. BTW, my Human falls down a lot!

Asta said...

Hi Penny ,Poppy and Pockets
That's a gweat pwesent..too bad it sploded..shoddy wowkmanship..just like the towew that fell down just cause we wewe playing Thundewing heawd of Elefants up and down the staiws in Pisa..
The west of the twip has been gweat, we haven't bwoken anything..and I think we fixed the towew with supew glue and a wibbon
smoochie kisses,

Asta said...

Hi Penny and Poppy
Youw eastew aiwebunny suwe is cute!!
We awe all getting pwetty sowe muscles fwom all the touwing of castles and stuff..but it's so much fun, I'll west when I get home, hehe
smoochie kisses,Asta

Lorenza said...

Hi, friends!
You got very nice and yummy presents!
Sure is fun to live at your home! Now, I know how boring is my life!
Have a great weekend
Kisses and hugs