Friday, May 23, 2008

Play date, home visit and heartbreaking rescue!

Pupdate at bottom of this post.Hi everybody! It's me, Poppy. Yesterday, Penny and I finally got to have that long awaited play date with Ezzy Rider. He and his mom came to our house at about 9:00 in the morning and we got to rip and tear around the back yard and in the house for about 3 whole hours. It was pawsome! Dad was in charge, while Mom and Aunt Wendy went to visit a family who wants to rescue a 'dale, so we don't have any pictures of our excellent adventure. You'll just have to take our word for it...we had a really good time!
Mom and Aunt Wendy spent the whole day on Airedale Rescue. First, they met a very nice couple who have had Airedales in the past. Their last Aire-boy lived with them until he went to the bridge at the age of 15. It was, basically, just a formality that they had to be approved to get a new furkid from the Airedale Rescue Group. They got all four paws up and are 100% approved! Yay!

After they met with that very nice couple, they set out to take possession of a 5 year old Aire-girl that was being surrendered by her owner. It was a very bad situation because the owner was being evicted and didn't want to give up her doggie. When Mom talked to the owner, on the phone, she got the feeling that they would be making a very long trip for nothing. She was afraid the owner wouldn't give up the dog, once they got there. After making it abundantly clear that if Mom and Aunt Wendy made the long trip, the dog WOULD be going with them, the owner finally agreed. Well, you wouldn't believe what they found when they finally got to the place where the dog was living! The lady was living in an extended stay motel with her Aire-girl and several cats. As soon as Mom and Aunt Wendy stepped inside, it was all they could do to keep from throwing up! The smell of cat urine was over-powering! Mom reached down to pet Cher (the Aire-girl) and almost passed out. Poor Cher was so skinny that Mom could feel every bone in her tiny little body. She has never been groomed and hasn't had any vaccinations in over two years! Her owner was wearing sunglasses in that dark, stinky motel room and poor little Cher was just wagging like crazy!

The owner asked Mom and Aunt Wendy if she could borrow $20 until payday, but fortunately, they had locked their purses in the car, so they told her they didn't have any money with them. She gave them a bag of toys and a tiny food bowl that belonged to Cher, but they stunk so bad that Aunt Wendy found a dumpster to deposit them into. They took Cher outside and let her potty and then put her into the car. Before they left the parking lot of the motel, they both cried! They couldn't believe the condition of that bootiful little Aire-girl or the conditions she was living in! They took Cher to a very nice vet's office where she will be spayed and vaccinated once they test her for heart worm. There is a very high likelihood that she has it, but hopefully, she can be treated for it! If they can get her healthy, Mom and Dad might adopt her for us. Right now, she only weighs 32 pounds and she is about the same height as I am. I am pretty small for an Airedale and so is Cher. She came from a very reputable breeder here, in the Atlanta area and that breeder is just sick over the whole thing! So, everydog, kitty, hammie and hooman...please send some healing Aire-zen or whatever kind of zen you have to help Cher get healthy! Right now, we are feeling kind of guilty for having so much food and a great place to live! We are definitely thanking doG for all we have!!!!!
Added on Saturday May 24th:
Pupdate: Cher does not have heart worm. Mom and Aunt Wendy will be picking her up later today (Saturday). She is coming to our house. Woohoo! If we get along okay with her, she will be staying here furever! Mom will do a post to introduce her to all of you once she gets home and we get some pictures. We are soooooo excited!
Poppy & Penny (the VERY well fed Aire-girls)


Dexter said...

That story is too sad for the Mango. I hope she finds a good home.

The Brat Pack said...

Thank goodness she's safe now...what a sad story. :(


Pedro said...

Penny & Poppy,

That is a beautiful thing your Mom and Aunt did for poor little Cher. We will be thinking about Cher and hoping that all her test results come back ok. Thanks for visiting my blog!


Ferndoggle said...

Oh that is just horrible. Makes us very thankful that we have a wonderful home & all the food we can eat (well, not really...Sherman would be the size of a small country).

We're counting our blessings. And bless your Mom for taking care of Cher. We hope she finds a great home.


Deetz said...

Awe, poor poor Cher...You are so right, we should be thankful for all the toys and treats and stuff that we get, cuz there are so many out there that are treated so badly. I am sure the owner thought she was doing a good job but is probably so ate up with drugs, she isn't thinking right. It is sooo sad but I am so happy she is in a better place now and will have a loving home. My mum said she would take her if no one else could. I am so glad you had a wonderful playdate.

Snowball said...

Poor Cher. I hope that she is alright.

Dun feel guilty about having so much food to eat. You are the bestest so you deserve the best in the whole world.


Duke said...

Our hearts are breaking for poor Cher! We're sending LOTS of AireZen her way! Can we send bacon and ice cream too to help fatten her up? We bet she's the prettiest girl ever!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Gaia the Airedale said...

ohhh how sad that is...both me and my mommy hope poor Cher finds a home. Give her lots of love until then!

puppy breath,

Faya said...

Oh poor Cher.... I send her a lot of swiss kisses and I hope she will be fine soon...I am waiting for more news...
Kisses, Faya

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

That is a very sad sorry but at least your mom and aunt got her out of a bad situation. Now she truly has a chance at a wonderful life. We are hoping that the heartworm test is negative.

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Anonymous said...

Your mum and Aunt are soo sweet and kind to go out of their way to do such a nice thing... thank dog there are humans like your mum and aunt, they are soo brave. I do hope Cher will be alright, i am sending all my licks, cuddles and kisses from me to Cher so sh can get better quick. That would be soo cool if your mum & dad adopted her.
Remember to keep us up to date with Cher's progress.

Kapp pack said...

We are so glad you were able to help little Cher! She will have a much better life now!

Woo woo, KA

Emily said...

Tom, Mom, & I are all so happy that Cher will not have to suffer anymore! Good luck Cher! We hope you love your new home!

Joe Stains said...

OMDOG what a great ending to such a sad story. We can't wait to meet Cher and your Mom is a hero for rescuing her!

Lorenza said...

Hi, friends!
Yes, your mom is a hero!
I am sure Cher will be happy living with you!
Kisses and hugs

Noah the Airedale said...

OMG what a sad story. Poor Cher, what an awful situation to be in. Thank goodness for your mum and Auntie Wendy. That is great that she will be living with you. We will keep everything crossed that her health improves....aire-zen on it's way.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
pee.ess..great to hear you finally caught up with Ezzy!!!

Asta said...

Penny and Poppy
What a tewwible stowy, but it looks like it will have a vewy happy ending..I'm sending all my tewwiew (((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))
and smoochie kisses and cwossing my paws that chew can stay
smoochi ekisses
pee ess..thank you on behalf of auntie Kawen fow all youw sweet and healing wowds

the many Bs said...

hi Penny and Poppy! we are so excited about Cher. it's a heartbreaking story, but happy happy if she gets to come live the good life with you. you will have to be very very nice to her and teach her how to play and have fun and eat treats. it really sounds like she needs to get some meat on her bones. your mom is a very good human to do airedale rescue. we are proud of her and proud of you to take her in. please let us know how it goes. we're sending lots of curly poodle-vibes to get her strong and healthy again.


Charlie Daniels said...

That story made my eyes leak ... your Mom has done something wonderful and you will be getting a new permanent friend! Cool ! :-)

Bogart H. Devil said...

Ohmygosh what a sad story! We're sending lots of Aire Zen your way so that everything works out!

Just say the word, we'll pop some homemade jerky in the mail to help Cher put on a little poundage...


Eric said...

Thank goodness there are wonderful people like you Mom and Aunty to go rescue those poor unfortunate doggies. Me and Mom are so glad she is going to have her furever home with you, she will have a wonderful life from now on.

Wags and licks to you all, Eric