Sunday, May 4, 2008

Scary eye contest, Atlanta drivers & Bluebirds!

Hi everybody! It's me, Poppy! We wanted to remind everyone to go over to Deetz's bloggy and vote in the scary eye contest. His blog is http://deetz-scaryeyecontest.blogspot.com in case you don't know where to find him!

I'm a little purturbed with Mom, today, since she keeps calling me an Atlanta driver! I follow her everywhere she goes and she says that I always pull out in front of her and go very slowly...just like an Atlanta driver! Poppy's mom here: Poppy, you know, you could just follow me instead of being in the lead. When I'm on my way through the house, I usually have a purpose for going where I'm going and it makes it kind of difficult when a hairy Aire-girl steps in front of me and moves at a snail's pace. Poppy here: But, Mom, I'm just trying to keep you from going so fast that you hurt yourself! And what's up with calling me an Atlanta driver?

Mom here: Atlanta drivers are famous for pulling out in front of me and driving about 5 miles per hour when the speed limit is 55 mph. Then they weave all over the road so I can't pass them...just like you do! Of course, if I run into YOU, it isn't as big of a deal as if I ran into a real Atlanta driver. Now...do you understand why I call you that? Poppy: Well, no, but whatever! Let's talk about the birdies!

These next two pictures are of our Bluebirds, Mason and Mena, when they come to the table to eat meal worms. Sorry they are kind of dark...Mom took the pictures from inside the house and it was early evening so they aren't very bright.

When Dad takes the meal worms out to the birdies, he claps his hands and calls the birds and about 2 seconds later, they come to eat. He's got them trained! Mom took a video of the birdies eating, but stoopid blogger ate it. She will try again, later, to upload it. We still think the birdies have eggies in their house because Mena spends a lot of time in there. Sometimes, when she's in the house, Mason delivers worms for her to eat!
We can't figure out what is going on in the Chickadee's house...we see the mama and papa bird coming and going, but we don't hear any baby birdies peeping! Maybe it just hasn't been long enough. We can't remember exactly when they started building the nest. Dumb Mom forgot to write it on the calendar!
Poppy & Penny


Duke said...

I'm never in a hurry to go anywhere either, Poppy! Your mom has to realize that you're slowing her down for her own good!
We think the bluebirds are just beautiful! How neat that your dad has them trained!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Faya said...

I don't know if I am fast or slow all I can say is that I always want to be the first...tuuut tuuuut....
Those birds are so cute. Maybe your Dad trained them because he cannot train an airedale.....
Kisses, Faya

Gaia the Airedale said...

Poppy youre so adorable! Always need to have the lead. Cute birds, Im surprised you dont play with them. I would!

puppy breath,

the many Bs said...

hi kiddos, we are Atlanta drivers too. we don't know why humans always have to be in a hurry. it's odd. humans are odd.

our mom likes your bluebirds. she would love to have some wild birds but we would just chase them all away. that's just us.


The Daily Echo said...

Mom is totally impressed with the bluebirds - she wanted me to tell you that. She gets annoyed with us around the house sometimes too. We like to be speedbumps. We lie in the doorways and don't move.

Lorenza said...

Hi, friends!
I think I could be called an Atlanta driver too!
Sure it would be nice that those Bluebirds have their "puppy" birds soon!
I hope you had a great weekend
Kisses and hugs

Girl Girl Hamster said...

I think you're doing good to slow your mom down so that she dont hurt herself.
Those bluebirds are bootiful.

~ Girl girl

Noah the Airedale said...

We're not Atlanta drives we're Le Mons drivers hee hee. When we escape into the main part of the B&B we zoom up and down the hallway like crazies.
Can't wait to find out if little babies are in the birdhouse.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...

Hehehehe tripping up the humans is the best!

National Stuffie Appreciation Day is May 8th! Get out the best pictures of you and your favorite stuffies!

Why do humans gotta train everything?

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Eric said...

Poppy how good and careful you are to your Mom. At least you never get fines for speeding. Me I just zoom in and out erratically, keeps the 2 leggeds on their toes you know and stops them from getting all stiff legged like Wally Wednesday.

Wiry wags, Eric x

Deetz said...

Thanks for mentioning the voting on the contest...it has been so fun seeing all the photos of everyone. Those birdies wouldn't last two seconds with me there. I don't know what it is about them. I just want to eat them. Mum says she loved the pictures of hte birdies and cannot wait to see if there are babies.

Dexter said...

Hee hee. Momma calls Pee-Wee American Express because he's everywhere you want to be!

Your dad sure has those birds trained well. You must love watching them!


William Tell said...

Our bluebirds are very elusive here, but one almost snatched Mom baldheaded when she peaked into the bluebird box last year. I guess she made it mad. I like your birds better.

Happy Tails,
William Tell

Urban Smoothie Read said...

i alwiz take the lead too...coz i wanna alert the human when there's something wrong infront.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jacks, Narra, Tuchuck, and Rousseau said...

(Hey! Sorry that was us on the deleted comment--the human can't seem to get the hang of this!)

Just wanted to thank you for your support on my first ever dog show--I didn't even get that kind of support at home! Plus, I think that it's really cool that you can share your home with bluebirds. We only have ugly birds at our house.


Anonymous said...

I've been over and voted, it's sure is a scarrrrrry eyes contest.I love birds, i always run out into the garden every morning to watch and listen to them.

Lots of licks
