Hi, everybuddy! It's me, Patches. FINALLY! Our weather has turned warm and we have no more snow. The snow lasted just long enough to turn our backyard into a major mud hole. Good for US, bad for MOM! She's been on mud patrol for a couple of weeks now. We could have had the door open, yesterday, so Penny and I could come and go at will, but our stoopid neighbor was burning stuffs in his back yard all day! The smoke was filling up our house and making it too stinky to have the door open. Well, today's another day and he had to go to work (haha on HIM), so we're thinking...maybe Mom will open the door so we can come and go as we please!
We're sorry we haven't been around to very many of your bloggys lately. Our personal secretary (aka Mom) has been really busy fixing our kitchen floor. She's about half way done. When she's all finished, she's going to have a teeny tiny memorial service for our dad. She finally brought his cremains home, on Friday and as soon as his urn arrives, he will watch over us from the china cabinet right next to Poppy. We are still very, very sad, but we are just taking it one day at a time.
Well, everybuddy, I'm going to go sit by the back door, now, and try to get our mom to leave it open! Oh, and thanks to everyone who wished Penny a happy birthday! She had a great day with lots of extra treats! Yeah, I got some too, but Penny's were bigger. SO not fair!
Patches (and Penny too)
So nice to hear from you and glad the weather's getting better. We are getting rain today- yuck! Take care and lots of hugs all around.
So Patches, when is your birthday?
The weather is improving here too, but our yard is a mudhole and there is a lot of dirty snow around. But we saw a blue bird this morning.
The Rocky Creek Gang
We're so glad that your weather has gotten warmer! We hope you guys get more outside time today. It's very pretty here and we hope that you have a pretty day there too!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
g'day Patches,
Your neighbour sounds like a gumby filling your house with smoke...crikey!!
Glad to hear your weather is improving. I guess soon it will start to warm up. We're waiting on ours to cool down but so far its still warm.
take care
Noah Willow Tess Lucy xxx
Our weather is getting good too..'cept we are sposed to have more rain toward the end of the week. So we have the door open and are sunning on the patio while muzzer transcribes our blog comments.
HaHa...she thinks she is "retired"
but we know better!
gussie n teka
One day at a time is good!
I hope the door stays open for you all the time soon!
hugs to your Mama and to youse.
love from Marvin xxxxx oh and Jeannie xxxxxx
We haven't been getting around to many bloggers either. I miss everyone so much, but our mom is busy all the time at work. We think about you everyday though
Oh, it is so beautiful here too, but not quite warm enough to leave the doors open. We have rain coming in tonight but we have had three lovely days now. Mom is working hard, but tell her to take time to enjoy the pretty day too. Give her some hugs and kisses from us.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
w00fs, our doora iz open too...its soooo nice here now, me iz sooo ready fur spring....
b safe,
Things sound better for you girlies and your Mom. One day at a time is very good.
I'm pleased your weather is warmer. Our is cold but sunny and the daffodills are beginning to show their faces like little yellow smilies. Wish I could pick some for your Mom but in my mind I did.
Wiry love Eric xx
Hi.... so glad that you girls are having a "GOOD" DAY!! The weather here is getting to be a nightmare this afternoon. Rain, wind, and freezing temperatures....
Apache and the tribe
Your mom is very brave to do the floor all by herself. I bet it will look great for the ceremony.
Guess what? Our snow is gone too! Isn't it grand?
Hi, Patches!
Glad to know your weather is much better now!
Sounds like your Mom has been very busy! Fixing the kitchen floor?? Wow! Yes... she is so brave!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
I'm glad woo are having bonus weather!
We've had pawesome days too but we're due to lose it by Wednesday - and then 1"-2" of rain over a few days -
I'm glad the two of you are keeping an eye on your mom, your dad, and Poppy -
Please share some extra love with them fur us!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
You are gonna get to wander in & out on your own? That is Soooooo cool. It's great to be free, yes?
We have had rain for 2 days now off and on in Phoenix and Mommy likes it because it makes it cool. We don't like it cuz they close all the dog parks for days on end.Being in a condo we don't get to go out and play in the mud. Phooey. How amazing that your mommy is doing the floor herself. She must be like SuperWoman or something.
BabyRD and Hootie
Spring is like that...peeps gather up sticks n stuff and burn em..SHE did that today, picked up sticks, not burn em though, we had to put em in the trash can for recyle pickup. The other spring thingy is MUD! Lovely, joyous, roll all over in it MUD! Squishy in between yer feets and lovely to smear all over. sigh. Can't do that here...SHE replaced the yard with seashells...probably just cuz of that. I hope the door was opened today for sun n fun in the yard.
hello patches its dennis the vizsla dog hay i am glad yoo ar all dooing wel over their and that spring has finaly arrived sort of!!! i am shoor yore dada and poppy wil do a verry gud job watching over yoo all together!!! ok bye
We're so glad that spring is around the corner and that some color will begin to make its way into your lives. There is hope and promise with spring ... keep taking one day at at time. We are thinking of you.
With Love
Jake and Fergi xxoo
Hello gurrrrls!!
Tell your mom don't work so hard ok?? Maybe you guys can help with the floors too? Just go step in the mud outside and come step all over the floor, who doesn't like earthy floor right???
I am happy that your daddy is coming home soon and together with Poppy, they'll be watching over you. I like the sound of that, because I know things will get better for all of you gurrrrls if your guardian angels are watching and protecting you!!
Love you guys lots, and again, tell your mom to take it easy...don't know how she does it...so strong..
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
HI Patches and Penny,
I came over from Rocky Creek to meet you. I love aiedales and all other animals. Would you like to be friends??
Our computer has been hogged lately (tax season, you know), and I haven't kept up with my favorite bloggies like I want to, so I was very sad to see that your Dad passed away. I have been thinking about you and wondering how he's been and kicking myself for not checking sooner. Please know you and your family has been in my thoughts, though, and we send hugs your way.
William Tell & Co.
Nice dispatch and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you on your information.
Hi airdales Penny and Patches,
Was so happy to see that you came to see me. I have become a follower and hope you become a follower of mine soon.
My Bambi is 12 years and 4 and a half months old. She is a rescue dog from the shelter here in town.
We have a cat that just showed up one day 12 years ago and needed a home.WE call her Happy.
Again thanks for your visit and come again soon.
Great to hear from you guys, take good care of your Mom ok??
Patches and Penny
I'm so glad you have mud...how fun!!! ummm, I apologise to youw moma fow saying that. i know hoomoms don't like mud, but what fun fow us.
I'm glad that Penny got to have a good biwfday and even though you didn't get quite as many tweats, I'm glad you got to join in.
We think of you and youw mom all the time and say a pwayew to let hew feel bettew and less sad.
smoochie kisses and hopes fow a spwing that bwings you some joy
Tell your mom that mud is good for the skin.
Alanis & Miro
One day at a time works so well....
Our snow mostly melted too and we found the first crocus of the season yesterday...purple!
We dedicated it to your dear daddy and to Poppy too...the sight of it peeping bravely up against the earth gave us hope...and we share it with you!!
Kisses and so much love,
Laciegirlie et al!
Patches...please let us know when you are going to do the memorial service for you dad...we would like to be there in spirit for all of you!
Love, Lacie
Glad your weather is getting better. Sorry to say ours is still "sucky"! Hope all is well in your dawg house. My mom and I think of all of you often.
Hi all, We've been thinking about you and just wanted to stop by and say hi. We took our wheelie look-alikes for a photoshoot yesterday to enter them into Eric's Scruffs contest -- and of course we thought about your dad making the wheels as well as your mom capturing our wiriness.
We hope you mom is doing OK -- one day at a time.
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
When the weather improves after a long hard winter...it can lift yer spirits right outta the basement....Glad ta hear that the snow is gone....enjoy the sun....
Dewey Dewster returns....
woof hoo we thought we would let you know weve made a wee tribute for poppy on our bloggy... loves and licks doyle and mollie
Hi girls,
We want you to know that you and your mom is never far from our thoughts and we think of you all the time.
Glad that you have got some fine weather too... hopefully you will have great weather over the weekend so you can play as much as you want to!
Sending lots of love to your mom...
What's with humans and mud patrol? Don't they know that we dogs love playing with mud? The last time I had a mud facial, my humans gave me a bath...sigh!
I think humans like us doggies looking like fat bubbleheads. I mean, did you see the Westminster show with those Poodles?? They had bubbleheads and bubbletails and even bubblelegs!! OHMY!!!
Anyway, I wouldn't worry about yourMa going away for a while. It gives you a chance to get into some much needed mischief!!
xox, Autumn
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