Hello to all our furry and not-so-furry pals! It's me, Patches! I have been informed, recently, that I am a fuzz head, fuzz butt, fuzz body and everything else fuzzy that you can think of! Yep, I'm sportin' my winter coat. I'm also BLOWING said coat! So is Penny, so our whole house looks like one gigantic hairball!
As I told you last time, I will be going to see Cindy (our groomer) on April 7th unless she has a cancellation sooner. Oh God, PLEASE not sooner! Our mom has decided that she just doesn't have the energy to groom us herself right now. That's okay, Mom...Cindy gives me peanut butter when she cuts my toenails! Yum!
This is what is keeping our mom so busy these days. Yep, it's the wood floor again. Fortunately, since Mom was the one who installed the floor, in the first place, she definitely knows how to fix it! This picture is from when she cut out the old caulking that forms the "grout" lines and put new caulking in. She has had a major battle through the years to find exactly the right color of caulking! Since caulking is made in batches, you can't assume that the next tube you buy will be the same as the last one. It makes our mom growl!
This is what the floor looks like when she's all done trimming the caulking. She got really mad at me, last night when some nice peoples came to visit us. I got soooooo excited because the lady was petting me and I peed about 2 gallons right on a spot in the floor that Mom hasn't fixed yet. You should have seen how fast she ran to get an old towel! If the pee got into the wood, it would warp it and then Mom would probably never forgive me! The towel hit the floor so fast that there was no way any of the pee got into the wood. Yay for ME!
Last week, our mom and Aunt Wendy went to lunch with a very nice lady from the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine (Hi, Molly!). Mom was only gone a few hours and Penny and I were totally fine. Okay, we didn't like it that she was gone, but we know she needs to get out of the house once in a while. What is it with humans? I guess they get just as excited as we do when they go bye-byes! Anyhoo, we are not so excited about where Mom is going on April 2nd! She and Aunt Wendy are going to an open house at UGA and they will be gone most of the day. Hey, that's not funny! Who will let us out to potty and who will feed us? We're on a pretty tight schedule, ya know! Mom told us not to worry about it. Okay...I guess!
Well, everybuddy, I'm off to go find some wet caulking so I can leave my pawprints! Wish me luck!
Patches (and Penny too)
Happy paw print making. I know you can do it. I'll come to visit you when Mommy is away, if you want company! I have a doggie driver's license, so I can come when ever you like.
Sally Ann
Hi, Patches and Penny!
Well... I guess you look a little bit fuzzy! Just a little!
Your mom did an awesome job with the floor!
Be nice and let the floor alone! Haaa!
I am sure you two will be fine while your mom is away!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
w00fs, ur mommy nneds to get out n about..u girlies will b ok..and me likes the wild look..loveee the floor..
b safe,
Awwww, we sort of like the fuzzy look, Patches. Your Mom is a hard worker, so it is OK for her to get to out for some special time too. We bet she treats you extra special when she gets back.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I am a fan of the fuzzy look myself!
But I think I would be spending lots of time in a crate if I pulled that stunt with the floor (which looks lovely, by the way)
And cut your Mom some slack, you have had her undivided attention for some time now, you must learn to share.
Thank goodness you didn't warp your mom's new floor! We think you would have been in deep doodoo!
You still have a couple more weeks to stay fuzzy. Enjoy it while it lasts!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Wow Patches, you sure are fuzzy! That is really a cute look on you.
I would have loved to see your mom flying with that towel to catch your pee. I bet she moved really fast.
Don't worry about being home alone. Just meditate and the time will pass quickly.
You are lucky to get to stay in the house when SHE is away. We get kicked out and have to fend for ourselves in the elements. Apparently there was an incident in our puppyhood that now prevents us from being kept inside unsupervised. Hey, we don't remember a thing!
That floor looks good. We hope SHE wasn't too hard on you when you peed. After all, it's only material things...
Hi Patches. You look like me right now. Fuzzy and Wuzzy. But a different colour!
Your Mom's floor looks beautiful, what an amazing job.... better behave when she's away Patches!
Wiry loves Eric xxx
That floor is PAWESOME!
It really would be nice if woo don't make that part of life so hard on your mom!
SO, some extra shedding and blowing might be a good tradeoff!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
We both agree that you look adorable all fuzzywuzzy! We plan on staying fuzzy for awhile ourselves.
Your mommy's floor looks terrific!She's some kind of expert craftswoman from the looks of it.Glad your piddle didn't cause any problems!We hope you did get to leave a little pawprint though.
BabyRD and Hootie
Your Mom is quite the "handy-gal" Go MOM!!!
The Rocky Creek Scotties
Yep we are fuzzy right now as well!! HAY we just had an idea...want us to come over and put OUR paws in the caulking as well?? HAYYYYYY how about EVERYBODYS paws!! Your Mom WOULD LOVE IT!!! Love A+A
So. Who lives where we get the latest spring snows? We do. And who had starting blowing our coats? We did. And who was complaining each time she came down the mountain wearing her black or dark brown sweatshirts? Our Girl did. So WHO were the first of the pack to get our furs robbed? WE WERE! And it's s'posed to snow this afternoon. Again!
Enjoy your fuzz while you've got it. Life changes when it's gone.
Jake and Fergi xxoo
Pee esS We LOVE the floor. Your moma is amazing!
Oh, Patches! I love your furry head! I was de-fluffed a few weeks ago!! My mama loves Athens, so I bet your mom and aunt wendy will have a great time!!
Love yall,
huh patches
You are so fuzzy you kind look like a fun stuffie to squeak.... You are better off with the groomer anyways. My home haircuts are awful.
Your mom is very handy and talented. Not only can she do a quick clean up but growl at the same time.
We think that you look perfectly fine all nice and fuzzy. Humans are always so into the dog grooming torture.
Your friends,
Niamh & Ambrose
hi P & P,
you're not just fuzzy.. fabulously fuzzy! lookin' good! well, since your mom is so handy, we have a couple of things ovah here.. opps. be glad to check in on ya during her open house fieldtrip.
Love your fuzzy head gurrrrrls!! Enjoy it while it lasts LOL.... your mom is amazing, I can't believe she did floor all by herself... What will be at the UGA open house?
Love you guys!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Hey friends! I am so sorry for neglecting you guys for more than 1 year. I feel so bad. But no worries, I am now back & will promise to visit you all as often as I can.
I don't think you need to be groomed at all. You look fuzzy nice.
Love licks & Hugs,
Solid Gold Dancer
We were thinking about you and wanted to stop by and say hello. I love your fuzz head and fuzz butt. You are always on our minds and in our thoughts. Our mom has been working too hard and needs to get internet at home so we can blog more.
We miss everyone so much!
Especially you guys
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