Sunday, June 27, 2010

The re-arrangement of the weiner dog's face.

Hey, all you pups and kitties! (Oh, and hoomans too!) It's me, Patches. Those of you who know me well, just HAD to know that it wouldn't be long before I rearranged my weiner doggie's face! Yep, a few days ago, my mom caught me eating something when no food or treats had been given to me. Uh oh! I was caught de-eyeing my brand new weiner doggie! For a while, my mom was afraid I had actually swallowed the ginormous plastic eye, but then she saw me prancing around her bed like I had won the lottery! That always means I have something I SHOULDN'T! This time, it was the very large eye! I, accidentally, dropped it on the floor and Mom snatched it before I could get it. Foiled again! At least, my mom could rest a little easier knowing that I wouldn't be needing emergency surgery to de-eye my insides! And she wouldn't have to dig deep into her wallet to pay the v-e-t bill!

Having discovered said "eye", our mom let me go about playing with my weiner doggie! Mom took a picture of the destuffing to send to Airedale Armeggedon on Facebook and look who showed up! The guilty pawty! Yeah, it's me...Princess Patches! Unfortunately, as soon as Mom took the pictures, she cleaned up the stuffing, so I will have to start all over again! I was having sooooo much fun pulling the stuffing out of his eye-hole! Now, my weiner doggie is 1/2 blind so soon, he will match my blind froggie. Yeah, the froggie is still here! Woohoo! My mom just can't bring herself to send him to the big trash can in the sky because he was the first stuffie that I really fell in love with. Oh, Mom says that trash can is actually outside of our garage...not in the sky! Anyhoo, the leggies are almost detached from my froggie and as soon as one of them comes off, my mom says it's "adios" Mr. froggie, even if he IS my favorite toy!

Well, everydoggie and everykitty, that's it for today. I have to go lay on an aire-conditioning vent and soak up all the cool aire! It's 96 degrees, here, today and the humidity is about 1000 percent! We would KILL for some thunderstorms...or at least a little rain! (Our mom had a lot of nerve writing that part about the thunderstorms...I did NOT bark that to her!)

Patches (and Penny too)


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Lacy said...

w00fs, me mus not b a real doggie, cause me has only tored up one of me toys..and it wasnt my fault, mama tried to taked it from me..

b safe,

Nelly said...

You are a skilled de-eyer and de stuffer Patches. All that stuffing through the eye hole - impressive!
Nelly x

Gus said...

Good work!


violett said...

Hi Patches,
to you it goes well. I get no more soft toys. Only things from rubber. It also gives to me pleasure to nibble off the eyes and the nose. When I was one more puppy, I have tore the cushions of the garden chairs. This was amusing. The meadow looked as if it had been snowing.
Lots of love

Agatha and Archie said...

Our pooter is back(as you can see!!) Listen that was a great job..and really all out of his eye..fabulous..You might have to give lessons...Love and kisses A+A

Duke said...

We bet your weiner dog and your blind froggie are now best of friends helping each other out! Poor innocent stuffies! You sure took care of them, didn't you, Patches!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Niamh said...

Excellent job de-eying the weiner dog and pulling out his stuffing! That is what toys are for!

Your friends,
Niamh & Ambrose

Dexter said...

Poor Patches. You must be getting a bit cracker dog being confined by that awful heat. I am glad you took out your energy on your stuffie and not your sissy.

Try to stay cool. I think it will be a little better by mid week.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Patches!
I knew your weiner doggie toy was not going to be in one piece for long time!
Good job!
Kisses and hugs

Wyatt said...

That looks like every stuffie we have ever owned! hehe


George The Lad said...

Well you knocked the stuffing out of him, the saying goes. does that mean if I bit a little harder, I can do it with my stuffies, yea the more mess the better.
See Yea George xxx

The Thuglets said...

Way to go Patches....you did a good jobbie on the stuffie!

Lasted a lot longer in your paws that it wood have done here, trust us on that one.lol

Poor u in that heat..keep your paws cool. Hope you and Penny are getting lots of ice cream.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thuglets

Hollie and Janie said...

wow! Y'all have had so much going on! That collar looks so fab!! It's just gorgeous!! And I am so gonna get one of those wobbly things! If y'all approve, it's got to be great! I do the same thing to my stuffies!
Love, Janie

Asta said...

good wowk!!! Now youw Wienew dog feels like he's weally pawt of the family. how can you feel loved as a stuffie if no one destuffs you . Wight?

Anyway, I hope you don't wowk too hawd on destuffing in this heat..this is weathew fow laying awound, not wowking.
I will cwoss my paws that you get a little cooling wain(I want some too)smoochie kisses to you and Penny too

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Nice job Patches!! Destuffing is an art and you look like you have it down. WooHoo!! The stuffies never look quite right until we've rearranged them some. BOL!!
BabyRocketDog & Hootie

Bogart H. Devil said...

That's some damn fine work there Patches... very impressive!

Much love to you, Penny, and give a few extra smooches to your mama for me, ok?


TwoSpecialWires said...

Just as we were finishing reading your post, the thunder boomed through the sky. That means Moma needs to try to tend to us ... we're already pacing and panting. And this time, not from the heat.

Maybe a stuffie would help distract us. A stuffie I could destuff.

Off for the moment,
Jake (and Fergs)

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