Thursday, June 10, 2010

A new collar and a new niece!

Hi everybuddy! It's me, Patches! About a week or so ago, we won a contest on Maggie and Mitch's bloggy. We are soooooo excited! Our prize is this gorgeous handcrafted leather collar. It was made by Tim, an Amish man that Maggie and Mitch know. He is a great craftsman! His work is magnificent!

It actually fits both of us so whichever one of us is going out in public gets to wear the collar! Isn't it great? It's black leather with turquoise stones and we think it looks really nice against our black and tan furs! We think we made a great choice of colors!

It looks even better on Penny 'cause her saddle is blacker than mine, but of course, there is no picture. She's still a chicken when it comes to the flashy box!

Now, we want you all to meet our newest family member! Please meet our niece, Skeeter! She's a Beagle/Blue Tick/Shepherd mix and what a cutie! She will do a lot of travelling with her mommy and daddy and she already has her own suitcase. Her mom, Debi, is our mom's step-daughter. They live in Oh-HI-Oh, but they travel all over the country. We hope we get to meet Skeeter in dogson someday soon. If you would like to visit Skeeter, you can go to http://www.skeetersbigadventures.blogspot.com. Sorry, stoopid Vista still won't let us put in links. We tried to put one in for M & M's bloggy and it put it way down at the bottom of the page! Stoopid!

Well, that's it for today, guys. Our personal secretary has a boo-boo on her right wrist so she is typing with her left hand and only a couple of fingers on the right hand. It makes for lots of mistakes. It seems that this is a self-inflicted injury. Yep, she over-does EVERYthing! She trimmed ALL the bushes in our front and side yards and then proceeded to wax our Aire-mobile. It hadn't been waxed in a loooong time and used to stay outside all the time, so waxing it was no picnic. We finally got a bunch of stuffs out of our garage, so now Chuck the Truck can have his own home INSIDE the garage. Mom even bought a flashing "stop" sign so she knows just how far to pull into the garage without going through the wall. When she drives in, once the bumper touches it, it flashes bright red. Now, that might sound funny to you all, but one time, our dad drove his car right through the drywall! Since our mom can't see so well, she isn't taking any chances! Oh, and now that "Chuck" sleeps inside, our neighbors were freaking out. One lady was really worried because she didn't see a vehicle in our driveway for 2 whole days. She thought our mom ran away! She was really worried about US because she saw us out in our backyard, but couldn't figure out how we were getting in or out. I wonder why she didn't just call or pee-mail our mom!

Patches (and Penny)


Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

You look absolutely stunning in that collar - the color is perfect.

And what a cute pup Skeeter is - we're off to visit.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Your collar is gorgeous - we have some on order for us too. Skeeter is a real cutie.

And tell your Mom she must be related to ours - two workaholics.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Remington said...

Great collar! I hope you asst. will feel better soon. I went over and met Skeeter. What a cutie! Thanks for introducing us!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Hi Patches and Penny,
That collar is beautiful!!!!!!!
Congrats on winning it!!! You are so lucky....
Tell Mom that I know who see feels about seeing where that front bumper is. I am blind in one eye!!
Have lots arthritis in my hands, so doing anything with my hands hurts!!!
Patches, I LOVE your collar!!!
So happy for you guys!!!

Fred said...

You look booty-full in your collar! And your niece is a Q-T pie!

George The Lad said...

Your collar looks the biz, and Skeeter looks like she will give you the run around!
See yea George xxx

Duke said...

Your new collar looks GORGEOUS on you, Patches! The black leather with turquoise stones is very striking!
What a cutie Skeeter is! We're off to go say hi!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

That is a super stylin collar.

Too funny that your neighbor thought your mom ran away from home. Yuh, she should have watched for the flashing light coming out of the garage, right?


violett said...

A wonderful collar and a very good work. Congratulations!
Lots of love

Asta said...

Oh Patches
You look absolutely stoopendously bootiful in that new collaw
I'm so glad you and Penny won it. It suits you so well. It's twooly bootiful.
I hope youw Mommi's BooBoo heals soon..this seems to be a time fow Mommi's hyuwting themselves..mine just got ovew a big eye booboo
I'm sending extwa healing smoochies.

Nelly said...

That is a beautiful collar, you have chosen such nice colours.
Sorry to hear about your Mummy's poorly hand. Hope it gets better soon. Your neighbour sounds kinda nice - being so worried about you.
Nelly x

doyle and mollie said...

aw patches your collar is divine and skeeter is a heartbreaker fur sure loves and licks

Eric said...

Patches you look so pretty in your new collar. I'm imagining Penny does too!I'm so pleased you two girlies one the competition.

Isn't your nice a cutie pie. bet you can't wait to run rings round her. I'll go and visist.

SEnding tenacious terrier zen to your Mom to heal her hand and some square dog licks too. Purely medicinal!!

Wiry love Eric xx

Gus said...

Nice collar! Nice Skeeter! Nice idea for the garage. We gotta get one for Muzzer


Wyatt said...

That collar went to just the right home, cause it looks perfect on Patches! And you can share.
Hope your editor's hand gets well soon, so we can see more pictures and stories!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What a pawesome khollar!

Khwite an excellent choice fur woo!

AND, OMD, your khousin is a khutie!

Thanks fur sharing!

Please take khare of your mom too!


Niamh said...

You look great in your new collar Patches. Congrats on winning the contest and on your new niece.

Your friends,
Niamh & Ambrose

Inky and Molly said...

We are sending big licksies to help heal your mama's boo-boo. Please tell her not to do too much.
You are looking very hot in terrific in that new collar of yours. Enjoy!

julee said...

The collar looks great on you guys. What a lovely present. enjoy!

Lorenza said...

The collar is sooo beautiful!
And you look gorgeous!
Sounds like your mom has been very busy!
I hope her wrist will be better soon!
I am going to visit Skeeter!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Your new collar is very nice and cute! Y'all are very lucky.
Sally Ann

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh so so so so love the collar, and your new niece is beautiful! Can she come and live with me?

Tell your Mama we are sending get well wishes to the boo boo thingme.

lotsaluv, Marvin xxxxxxx oh and Jeannie xxxxxxx

Joe Stains said...

The collar looks so good on you! Your new niece is absolutely adorable!!

Lenny said...

Hi Patches!
First of all, I'm so sorry I missed your birthday! I haven't been keeping up with everybody. I hope it was pawesome!

You look great in that gorgeous collar - congrats on your big win!

My dad's name is Chuck - I didn't know he was named after a TRUCK! LOL

We have been thinking about you and Penny and your mom and we hope that you are all doing well.

Your friend, Lenny

Jake of Florida said...

The collar looks fabulous on your furs!!!

Guess what: our mom got her very first bit of airedale loving in when she met Miss Sunshade and Jaffa -- check out Sunshade's blog and ours.

We're kind of jelly though -- cause only our flat selves were there!

Hope your secretary's wrist gets better soon!

Wirey love,

Jake and Just Harry

Jacks, Narra, Tuchuck, and Rousseau said...

Hi, Airegirls! That collar looks AMAZING! (Though you could make anything look good!) But be careful, we don't want you causing stopping traffic! :)

And congrats on your new niece, too! She is super cute--already a family resemblance. ;)

Carry on! But tell your mom to take it easy.


TwoSpecialWires said...

We've decided you have nice neighbors, a notty mom and a very very cute new niece. We're gonna try hard to remember to remind Moma to visit her once she's helped us all catch up on our reading. Do you think we'll remember?

Jake and Fergs