Hello to all our furry and not-so-furry friends! It's me, Patches! Well, I'm no longer a fuzz butt, fuzz face or fuzz anything! Yesterday, I spent the day with Cindy, my groomer and now I'm the best looking and best smelling Aire-kid around.
Yeah, I know...Mom took my cool dude suit (aka bandanananana) off as soon as I got home because it was too loose and Penny kept pulling on it. Mom was afraid I might get choked or something, so she ditched it! She's such a worry-wart!
I was hoping to have news, today, about the UGA open house, but our mom and Aunt Wendy ended up not going. They are both having back problems and didn't feel like driving all the way to Athens. What a couple of wimps! Anyway, they are hoping to go to Grace's Birthday Pawty in the fall. They have it every year, at UGA, as a fundraiser, even though Grace and her dad have both crossed the bridge. They missed it last fall because our dad was just having too many problems for Mom to be able to leave him alone all day.
Our mom has decided that we are going to have a small memorial service for our dad on Saturday, May 1st at 3 p.m. He didn't want a funeral or any announcements in the paper and Mom honored his wishes, but now, she feels like she needs to do this for US...okay, HER! But, we'll be there too! It will be at our house and she has invited family and a friend or two. They will just spend the day remembering Dad and eating some of his favorite foods. We were hoping there would be a standing rib roast, but Mom says, "No way".
On April 20th, Penny is going to have surgery. Remember the ginormous thingy, on her back, that we thought would 'splode? Well it never did and it just keeps getting bigger. She also has a problem with one of her little doggie nipples. It is swollen and has turned a dark color. Our vet is going to take care of both problems AND clean her teefies. Our mom isn't too thrilled about putting an 11 year old dog under general anesthetic, but the vet assures her it is safe. He used it on a 15 year old dog, last week, and everything was fine! In spite of that, I'm pretty sure Mom's blood pressure will be off the charts, on the 20th! Yeah, she's been having problems with that for about a month. She even ended up at an urgent care place, one day, because it went up to 214/103. Her doctor doubled the medicine and it is better now. Not great...but better!
Well, everydoggie, I need to go have another nap. A day at the groomer's just wears me out!
Patches (and Penny too)
Patches, please tell Penny (and your mom) that we will be thinking of them on the 20th. We hope all goes well, and Penny has a successful toofie cleaning, etc.
And of course, we will be thinking of all of you on the 1st of May. There are so many beautiful traditions associated with that day, and we hope that someone leaves a basket of flowers at your door in his memory. We think that is a bootiful thing to do, Muzzer says we should do that for her someday, and have music and singing, pasta and lots of laughter. Hope yours is everything your dad would enjoy.
Patches, all we cn do is echo what Gussie has said. We'll be thinking about you on April 20th -- and using our wirey zen to keep your mom calm -- and about your family on May 1st. We think a day to celebrate your dad is a good thing -- there will be tears and laughter and he will be with you in spirit.
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
You look very nice!
We'll be thinking of Penny for her surgery and all of you for your dad's memorial service. That sounds like just the right thing to do to honor him.
You all will be in our thoughts on the first of May and our paws will be crossed for Penny's surgery!
Your hAirecut looks awesome, Patches!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
I think your mom's idea is a very nice one. Not the surgery of course! Don't worry too much about that dental, it's routine enough and I don't think they knock them out too deeply. But we will be praying for low blood pressure...
Firstly, thank you oh-so-very much for coming by and visiting my bloggie. It's very nice to meet you!
Nextly, you look very much beautiful with your new haircut.
Next to lastly, I am Most Sorry about your daddy. That musta been hard. But I think your mom is doing a very nice thing to remember him.
And Lastly, I will be thinking good happy thoughts for Penny that her surgery goes good and that she is all better in no time!
Wiggles & Wags,
PeeS. I don't usually talk this much. Really.
Hi Remington here! Nice to meet you -- I hope we can be great friends. Sorry to hear about your daddy....and I hope Penny does ok....
Whoa, we hope first of all that your Mom can take a few deep breaths and relax. We are thinking strong good thoughts for all of you!
Alanis & Miro
and Sherry
Patches! You look lovely, but I understand why mom took your bandanana off if Miss Penny was doing bitey with it.
Gosh, I hope your mom's back gets better. I think the memorial service is a nice idea.
Good luck to Penny with her surgery. Let us know how she does.
Don't woo look furry pawesome!!!
Thanks fur the updates!
Mom says that is a furry khool idea fur your dad - sometimes she wishes more humans would do things like that fur many many reasons -
Merdie used to have a doober thingie on her bakhk - the vet took hers off when she was about ten as well - so Merdie and I will be khrossing paws fur ALL of woo on that day!
Please take good khare of your mom!
Dear Princess Patches(love it!!), We think you look absolutely fabulous. Wishing the blog had a scratch and sniff so we could smell your dogginess!! Keep us posted on Penny's surgery, okay? It's good you're getting to have a small memorial for your daddy. Closure is necessary for everybody. Our mommy says to tell your mama to take care of herself. HighBP can lead to stroke,kidney failure and other bad stuff. We love you all and want you to stick around.
BabyRocketDog and Hootie
You look great!
We will be thinking of you all on May 1st.
And paws crossed for Penny too! I am sure everything is going to be ok!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
You look very pretty after your day at the dog spa! Stanzie and I are going next week, for our spring hAire-dos.
We send our doggie luv to Penny. Tell your Mom to take care of herself too!
Wet nose and Aire kiss!
Patches, you look fantastic! I am a little worried about all the other stuffs going on though...Penny, your mom! My mom worries all the time and even more so now since what happened to Sharkie. I think it is great you are having a memorial service in honor of your papa. I wish I could be there to give you all hugs but you will be in my thoughts and prayers...And Penny, you be brave and strong!!! My mom's blood pressure is rising now, she is so worried about you!
We wish Penny all the best for her surgery on the 20th. We're sure it will all be fine but we'll have our paws crossed anyway.
Perhaps mum would like to sip on some green tea to calm the nerves (and the blood) down.
What a nice idea to have a wee get-together at home in memory of your dad. We'll be thinking of you!!
Patches. You look so handsome and so composed. You have a big job ahead of you to help your moma feel relaxed and confident when Penny has her surgeries. Stay close to her and distract her with those amazing expressions. We'll be thinking of you on that day ... and also on May 1. Your dad will be there in spirit, making the day a very special one. We are glad you are having the Memorial Service. Very glad.
Together with you,
Jake and Fergi and Family
We think the memorial sounds like a great idea. We will be sending lots of healing vibes on the 20th.
Oh Patches..I do adore the title of this postie..that's my motto!!
Sheesch...the vetties on the 20th...we will be soooooo thinking of Penny that day....
And we will bow our heads for your Dad on May 1st...and will be with you all in spirit.
We want your mom to know we think of her so often and keep her (and her blood pressure!!) in our prayers...
Love to you all!!
Miss Laciegirlie
You look great Patches. Mommy would like to come to the memorial. If that is OK with y'all. I know she didn't know your daddy, but she knows your Mommy. Well, let her know. I hope all goes well on the 20th.
Sally Ann
Well patches sure does look good! I hope Penny surgery turns out ok. Keep us posted and I hope you get better as well. High blood pressure is something to keep an eye on!
Looking sharp, Patches. Keep us posted on Penny!
Patches, you look spiffy after the grooming session. Hope Penny' procedure goes well! Take care.
HI Penny and Patches,
I hope things are getting a little better for you guys!!! How is Penny??
You have have a boat load of trouble lately and I want you to know I am thinking of you all.
XXOO, Fern
Please let your mom and Penny know that our thoughts will be with them on the 20th... everything will turn out just fine, we know it!!
Love your new hAire-cut... You look gorgeous!
Gosh Penny, we hope all goes well for you. We will keep our paws crossed that the operation is a big success.
The memorial for your dad sounds just great. We wish we could be there for you and your mum but we'll be there in spirit.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
We're thinking of you, Penny, and our paws are crossed that your surgery is a breeze for you tomorrow! Keep us updated, okay?
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
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