Sunday, May 16, 2010

200th Post!

Hello to all our furry and not-so-furry friends! It's me, Patches! We've been bloggin' for over 2 years and we just now got to our 200th post. That's pretty lame, Mom! Lots of our blogging buddies post nearly everyday, and it took US over two years to get to #200! That's pretty sad!

Our lazy (SHE says "busy") mom finally got some pictures of the Peonies that are on one side of our driveway. Since stoopid Vista won't show them to us anymore and our old mom doesn't have that great of a memory, we'll just show them to you!

I hope you enjoyed the Peonies. Some of them are looking kind of sad, now, because we had really, really, really heavy rain last night. At least it waited until our mom got home! Penny and I would have been really freaked if Mom hadn't been home when the thunders started! Penny taught me to bark at the thunder because it makes it go away. Okay, it only goes away for a few seconds, but hey, it WORKS! We keep barking and it keeps stopping! For some strange reason, our mom just doesn't "get" it. She yells at us and squirts us with a water bottle, but it doesn't stop us!

Yesterday, the hospice that took care of our dad, had a Celebration of Life service and our mom went to it. It took her a loooong time to get there and a looooong time to get home, but she said it was very nice. Kind of sad, at times, but still nice. They gave our mom a teddy bear made out of a pair of our dad's pajamas. She knew they were making the bear because they asked her for the PJ's, but she thought it was going to be a very small bear. She was wrong! This bear is about 2 feet tall! We'll have to show it to you later because Mom forgot to take a picture. Now, the bear is sitting on what used to be Dad's dresser so he can watch over us as we sleep!

Penny is going to the groomer on Tuesday! Heeheehee! It's her turn to get the whole works! The place on her back is almost all healed up now and the test results say it is nothing to worry about. Her nipple that was swollen is a different matter, however. It had some melanoma cells, so we have to keep a close watch on Penny to make sure she doesn't have any problems breathing and doesn't have any unexplained weight loss. Our v-e-t says he thinks he removed it before it could spread, but he just wants our mom to be aware. He says it's kind of common in older doggies and right now, Penny is acting younger than she has in a long time, so unless there is some kind of change, we aren't going to worry about it.

Well, everybuddy, I have to go and get psyched up for the thunder boomers that we are supposed to get AGAIN this afternoon and evening! Our mom sure hopes it stops before it's time for us to go to bed. I guess she thinks it's hard to sleep with 2 barking dogs! While Penny and I get psyched, our mom will be watching the Nascar race. Yep, she's a closet redneck! She never paid any attention to Nascar races until she moved to Georgia and pretty much everybody talked about the races on Monday. She figured she needed to know what everyone was talking about so she started watching the races. She's not such a fanatic about it anymore since Dale Earnhardt was killed in the Daytona 500 in 2001, but she watches just enough to know who wrecked and who won the race. I guess that makes her only a partial redneck!

Patches (and the soon-to-be pretty Penny)


doyle and mollie said...

woah congratulations on your 200th post its not how long it took that matters its that you got there arf arf we think the teddy sounds amazing as are your peonies (mommas fav flower) be safe loves and licks xx

Finni said...

Congratulations on your 200th post. Our Mum is very lazy - we're on our 50something post ... so well done!
We like the idea of the teddy and that he is watching over you, that's nice.
Have fun at the groomers, and don't get hoarse from barking at the thunder. Mum says she wishes we had some rain - it's very dry here and her rainwater butts are getting low.
Finni xx

Gus said...

AAAAh...don't worry about the number of posts...it is the quality that counts, and we enjoy yours.

Hope the boomers go away and the groomers go on strike.


Karen Raye and Bentley Beargrass said...

Way to on your 200th post! We finally got lots of rain here too. Maybe the big 'ole magnolia will quit shedding so many of her leaves and give us some pretty flowers!

violett said...

Congratulations on your 200th post!

The peonies is beautiful.
In Germany it rains for many days. And it is very cold. There was not so a cold May already for decades no more.
Lots of Love

The Airechicks said...

Numbers are not important - the adventures are want matters...Congrats on your 200th!

Very pretty flowers -

What a nice gift of the Teddy Bear.
He'll be nice to snuggle when your Mum feels sad and really misses your Dad.

Penny have a wonderful SPA day....

Our Mum not much into the Redneck picnics - but the crashes can be amazing.

Try not to let the Thunder BOOMS scare you too much.


Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Congrats on your 200th post!!

And the peonies are beautiful.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh, Ruairi and Becky

Duke said...

That's exactly how our mom started watching NASCAR! The girls at work used to talk about it and they made it sound like fun so mom started watching it!
Your peonies are just beautiful! We love the pale pink ones best!
Happy 200 post!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Remington said...

Congrats on your 200th post! I am looking forward to the next million! That was so nice of them to make that teddy bear for your mommy.
Hang in there with the thunderboomers! They don't last that long. Later!

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Congrats on post 200!
Mom said that bear the hospice folks made was very touching. Gave her a ball in her throat or something like that. We didn't see any ball near her mouth, so????? We hope your mom is doing ok, cuz she remembers it took her mom-our gramma a while. Mom always wants to reach through here and give your mom the biggest hug. She wishes y'all lived closer so she could.
We do hope the boomers tone it down. we had some wild boomers, crackings and a light show Fri with a bucketload of rain. Doesn't bother any of us though.
Tell your mom she stays in our thoughts and prayers and you 2 girls give her a break and let her sleep!
Sunny&Scooter & Jamie too
pee ess mom has been trying to find your email addy, sigh, she is hopeless. I'll see if I can't help her out.
pee ess 2 she also says she can't see how others do blogs AND FB, and she never even did a game on it......pathetic, hu?

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

pee ess, if you get the tv station VS(versus)you would LOVE PBR. I mean if you are gonna be southern an redneck, you gotta watch the bull riding!!!! HAHAHAHAHA

Asta said...

Deaw Patches and Penny

Fiwst I nevew told you hopw bootifully white and shiny youw toofies awe..WOW! I need sunglasses, hehehe
I'm glad that Penny's back is OK but will keep paws cwossed fow hew nipple booboo.!
That is sweet of the staff to make the beaw it sounds vewy loving and special.Pleez tell youw mom that Mommi is cwazy about those Peonies..they awe gowgeous..we love the fwagwance and the look of them..they awe one of mommi's vewy favowite flowews.
Keep bawking at those dundews ..Ihope they stop soon
smoochie kisses

Lorenza said...

Congratulations on your 200th Post!
And many more to come!
I bark at the storms too!
Glad to know Penny is doing well. Your mom is right not worring but sure she is going to keep and eye on Penny.
I am sure the teddy bear is beautiful.
My mom watches Nascar races from time to time too!
Have a great week!
Kisses and hugs

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Khongrats on #200!!!

That is pawesome!

Mom made one of THOSE faces and a few sounds when I read her the part about the bear - that is furry special -

The pee on me's have just started blooming here - I even inkhluded them in my Walkin' Wednesday fur this week!

Please stay safe in your bad weathers!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Huskee and Hershey said...

Congrats on your 200th post!! We hope that there will be many many many more to come...

We love the idea of the teddy bear! What a brilliant idea indeed..

By the way, our mom is really jealous about your pretty flowers!! All the flowers we have are 'fried' cos it's been SO hot here. :(

Hollie and Janie said...

Congrats on your 200th post!! Your mom peonies are stunning!! Soooo pretty!! Please keep those posts coming b/c we love hearing what you guys get into!!

Lacy said...

w00fs, how nice the fixed ur mama and u a bear of ur daddy..and congrats on ur 200th...me sure hope her booboo gits better soon...me sad when me friends are sick.

b safe,

Sherry said...

Did you say something about pee-onies? Beside the sidewalk? Sounds like our favorite kind of flower!
Miro and Alanis

Kasha said...

Wow! This post broke my heart a little bit. I am so glad you are doing good and keeping your head up.

Eric said...

hello girlies! How blinding white your teeth are Patches. You look like a super model in your header photo.

Mom wants me to tell you she loved the beautiful peonies, your Mom is clever to grow such beauties, they are one of her favourites. And the story of your very special teddy bear was touching. What a kind thought. I bet it's a comfort with teddy up on the dresser looking after you all.

We are glad the memorial day went ok and glad all the people who mattered to your Mom were there.

Look after yourselves girlies, Mom too.

Wiry loves Eric xxxx

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Many best wishes to you on your
200th post dear Penny & Patches!!
What a swell landmark...nice flowers too.
We love ya!!
BRD & Hootie

Deetz said...

Thank you for those fabulous flower photos. How cool a teddy bear made out of daddy's PJ's...that is very very sweet.
I am a lot worried now though about the cancer cells and will cross my paws the vettie doctor got it all taken away and it will never ever come back. Always on our minds and in our hearts!!!!

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

I meant to write this earlier, but got sidetracked. The idea of making the bear out of your daddy's pajamas is brilliant. What a wonderful keepsake to have. Also, my son had malignant melanoma and had 6 surgeries at the young age of 21. He'll be 40 next January! We'll keep Penny in prayers for hers. Lastly, LOL about half-a-redneck...my PA family are abit NASCAR nuts too...Nephew races and is dating Dale's daughter!! I'm not into it myself, but hear stories....
X-Cassie (the human)

TwoSpecialWires said...

Patches (and Penny!)

Wow! So much news! We are trying to BEGIN to catch up a little ... and started here! On your bloggie!

Your peonies are so pretty! Moma remembers when she was a little girl that they were always in full bloom around Memorial Day, when she took them with her family to the cemeteries to decorate the family gravesites. She still remembers the wonderful scent and all the ants that liked to crawl on the big flowers.

Congratulations on your 200th post! AND we are glad your moma got to be part of the Celebration of Life service. We think about her a lot.

Tell Penny to be brave. And to keep up the good job getting and staying healthy.

Better move on....
Your Colorado pals,
Jake and Fergi xxoo

TwoSpecialWires said...

Patches (and Penny!)

Wow! So much news! We are trying to BEGIN to catch up a little ... and started here! On your bloggie!

Your peonies are so pretty! Moma remembers when she was a little girl that they were always in full bloom around Memorial Day, when she took them with her family to the cemeteries to decorate the family gravesites. She still remembers the wonderful scent and all the ants that liked to crawl on the big flowers.

Congratulations on your 200th post! AND we are glad your moma got to be part of the Celebration of Life service. We think about her a lot.

Tell Penny to be brave. And to keep up the good job getting and staying healthy.

Better move on....
Your Colorado pals,
Jake and Fergi xxoo