Hi every buddy! It's me, Patches! Today is my 7th birthday! I haven't got any presents yet, but I got some special stuffs on top of my breakfast and then I helped Mom eat HER breakfast. She says her and I will go on a special walkie later!
Monday was my second Gotcha Day too! Yep, it has been two whole years since Mom and Aunt Wendy rescued me from that lady who didn't feed me enough. I certainly don't have THAT problem anymore. Mom says I get TOO much to eat, now. I didn't get any presents for my Gotcha Day either, but I got to spend some quality alone time outside with my mom. Our neighbor is replacing his deck so there are peoples over there all day and Penny can't stop barking at them, so she had to go inside. Not ME, though! I was a good girl so Mom let me stay out and watch her trim bushes.
Remember last week when we were barking at the TV installers? Well, this is the "before" picture of what was going on. Our dad's 64 inch TV quit working on the day before Thanksgiving and it was going to cost way too much to fix it, so our mom had the hospice peoples move a TV from the 'puter room to the kitchen so our dad could have a TV to watch.
This is what it looks like NOW! A new TV that isn't quite as big and even with the TV stand under it, it takes up lots less space. We can actually see the wall again! The TV guys actually had to come twice because our mom noticed scratches all over the top of the stand when they left. She went back to the store and picked out a different stand so they came back on Tuesday to swap them out. Last Friday would have been our pawrents' 30th anniversary, so the TV is a present from our mom to herself. I wonder if she'll let me go get my own barkday present! I hear that it's a sure way of getting what you actually WANT!
Well, every buddy, I have to go and try to get Penny to come in, now. Any minute, now, the peeps will be coming to work next door and I'm pretty sure they would prefer to work without all the barking!
Happy Memorial Day to all our buddies in the U.S. Don't forget to thank our military peoples for keeping us safe!
Patches (and Penny the barker too)
Wishing you a VERY VERY HAPPY BARKDAY,Patches.
lots of wishes from all of us here, especially that u find a very nice bone on your walk today and that you get to go out and get ur own pressies like u want to.
Congratulations(belated though)on your Gotcha Day too.
Daddy likes ur daddy's 64 inch, but mummy agrees the space and the wall behind matters too!!
wags, Buddy n Ginger
Happy Barkday, and remember, you gots the best pressies of all -a loving fambly
Happy Happy Birthday! I hope your day is filled with lots of hugs and treats! Enjoy!
Happy Birthday Patches! Have a great day!
Headrubs and Nibbles
Finni & Nelly xxxxx
Happy birthday, Patches! We are the same age! Lucky number seven!
Happy birthday Patches!
Happy, happy,happy Birthday!
I wish a wonderful day with tasty food
Lots of Love
Happy Birthday, Patches!! I hope you have a great day! Getting rescued through ARG is the best, isnt it!! I love your new TV!
Happy Happy Birfday and Gotcha day Princess Patches! Life is gooooood now and you live on a full stomach. I think I need to move in with you.
That's a big TV, even if its still not as big as your daddy's hold one, its still BIG. Good for your mom for getting herself an anniversary pressie. We are very happy for her!!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Happy Barkday, Patches!!! We hope you've had a great day! We also hope you're able to enjoy that big, beautiful TV, too! Go enjoy all your new prezzies!
And belated Happy Gotcha Day to you and Anniversary to your mom!
Hugs to you and Penny!
Happy Happy Happy Happy Barkday from us here in Sunny Scotland!
lotsalicks, Marv xxxxxx
and many hugs from Jeannie tooooooo!
Happy Birthday Patches!!! It is so nice to share the same birthday. I'm glad that you are getting special time with your mom. Have a great day!
Your friend,
Happy Barkday Patches. Have a fantastic day.
Molly, Taffy and Monty
Happy Happy Barkday! I wanted to come up and visit you and tell you in dog, but Mommy said "no." I said, "not fair." Then, Mommy said "If say that again, you will get a warning," But, Mommy said that I behave, maybe I could come and play with you. Please let me know, I you have an opening in your busy schuedule. Mommy told me that my little brother will be the same as my big brother. So, maybe y'all can give advice on being an in charge sibling. I was always the baby, and now(gasp) I will be telling him what to do.
Sally Ann
Happy PATCHES Week!!!!!!!
We hope woo get to pikhk out some pawesome thingS!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Happy birthday, Patches! You already have the best gift in the whole wide world - all of your family and friends who love you best!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
I hope you get tons of tweats and loving which I know youw Mom gives you. I wish i could wun ovew and give you a hooge biwfday smoochie in pawsoon, but know that I'm sending you my vewy bestest wishes fow a gweat day and a healthy vewy happy life!!!
go help those wowkews by bawking.I love you
smoochie kisses
Happy Birthday, Patches and Happy Gotcha Day too - you gotcha a great home there.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
w00fs, happy barkday and gotcha day Patches..me likes ur new tv..is sad about the annieversary, but remember all the memories of ur daddy u has..
b safe,
Happy Birthday Patches....you don't look a day over 3!
Aire Kisses to you and your family!
Happy Barkday, Gotcha Day and Anniversary!! Lots to celebrate and a new TV!!
Happy Barkday, Beautiful!
We do hope you'll get at least one wee pressie...but we know you'll have a great time with your mumsie anyway.
Do you guys watch the TV as well?
No one in our family watches it really, however, Inky these days DEMANDS she can watch her favourite kids show at 5.30pm every day. She likes it so much, the pinkies got it for her on DVD so she can watch it on the weekends when it's not on the telly.
I bark a lot too. I just can't hel p myself. I much rather bark at the neighbours than sit on the couch with Inky and watch TV...
Love, Molly
Happy Birthday and Gotcha Day all in one! I think spending time with your family is the best pressie ever.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Gotcha Day!
I am sure you had a nice time celebrating your special days!
The new tv is pawesome!
Happy weekend to you, Penny and Mom!
Kisses and hugs
Happy, happy Barkday Patches!! Sorry we're alittle late, but we still send you all our best wishes.
Happy Gotcha Day too. Hope you are having a great weekend.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & Hootie
Happy belated 7th Birthday and 2nd Gotcha Day, Patches!!! And Happy 30th Anniversary to your parents.. I am sure your dad was watching over you girls on these special days with a smile on his face and love in his heart...
Miss Patches
I'm a bit late but Happy birthday to you and 30th Anniversary. That's a super cool tv. I can watch it from here. Can you turn the channel to 7... I wanna watch the news.
hey Patches, happy birthday! we're sorry that we're a couple days late. we remember when your mom rescued you and you were so skinny and sad. you had a different name too. we like your P name better.
we love your new TV and wall and stand. that's a nice pressie for your mom to get for herself. she totally deserves it.
About that grill--I figured out that you can Google "gas grill parts" and find sites with information and even user's manuals. On my grill (after much hand-wringing) I found the model number on the back.
Happy belated birhtday and Gotcha day!! We know you had the best time ever!! Love and kisses A+A
Happy belated birhtday and Gotcha day!! We know you had the best time ever!! Love and kisses A+A
Happy Barkday, Patches!
We sure hope you got yummy treats and lots of fun!
-Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & the Piappies
One of you girls won a beautiful new leather collar! Check out our blog!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hey thanks for stopping by my Blog, nice to need you to, Happy B/day Patches, and congrat's on one of you winning the collar,
See yea George xxx
Sorry I am so late wishing you a Happy Barkday Patches. It's my PA's fault, of course. Hope it was the bestest barkday ever!
Ciao miei amici!!!
Darling aire-girlfriends, I, Lucia, am finally back!! First things first: Buon compleanno Patches!!! I know I am very late wishing you a wonderful barkday, but somehow I know that your mama made sure it was a dilly of a day for you!
How are you and Penny? And how is your dolce mama? Do you make sure she relaxes now and then, puts her paws up and watches Animal Planet shows on the new tv??? That is very important for hoomans, I think, because la mia ragazza seems to do it ALL THE TIME! She says to tell your mama that she owes her an email and promises to catch up soon, but in the meantime wants her to know that we are back in Tennessee and would love to have a play date with you sometime this summer. If we all got together, it would be positively raining 'dales!!! Fantastico!!!!
Tanti baci, my adorable friends!
Gee Patches....happy belated barkday ta ya....we sure hope that all of ya are doin' Ok now without yer Dad around.......I know what ya mean about a barkin' dog cause Toby barks up a storm....Gram got 'em a shockin' bark collar.....'n ya know what he does now ??? He stops barkin' when the collar is on and starts right in barkin' again when it gets taken off.....pretty smart, huh?
Take care ya all.....
Dewey Dewster here....
Oh, Patches. Will you forgive us for being so late to wish you a belated happy barkday? We hate missing important dates like that ... and we're scolding Moma right now. We hope it was a special day ... we know it was spent with a special family.
Love ya
Jake and Fergi xxoo
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