Hi,everybuddy! It's me, Patches! Penny and I both have really clean teefies now. See my pearly whites? On Tuesday, Penny got all her staples out and it's a good thing she had a v-e-t appointment because she was having a problem with one of her feetses. When she was only about a year old, our pawrents were putting the wood floor in our kitchen. The old floor had been removed exposing only the wood sub-floor. Well, there were some gaps in it and Penny got a toenail stuck. She pulled so hard, to get free, that the whole toenail came off. Because of that unfortunate incident, that toenail has never grown back correctly. It either turns to the side, or it disappears completely.
On Monday night, Mom noticed that Penny was limping so she set out to find out why. Well, her toe was all red and hairless! The vet shaved off the rest of her furs on that toe and cut the toenail back to nothing. She's on ant-eye-bioticks and she has to have some spray put on her foot three times a day. It's already looking much better and she isn't even going to have to wear the cone of shame because she's leaving it alone. Yay for Penny!

This is a picture that Aunt Wendy took of one of our mom's Peonies. Isn't it pretty? It's called Parfait "something or other". Aunt Wendy was here for our dad's memorial.
Not a lot of people came, on Saturday, but that's okay. It was very nice anyway and some very impawtant peeps in our lives did come. We saw Aunt Wendy and Unkle Bill, Mack and Sally Ann's mommy and our dad's best friend and his wife. It meant a whole lot to our mom to have these peeps come and see us. We also got some beautiful flowers from Scruffy, Lacie, Stanley and Mumsie. Sorry we don't have a picture...our mom just plain forgot to take one. We also got some pretty flowers from the Airedale Rescue Group. Again, sorry there's no picture. We really need to get our mom back with the program!
Well, everybuddy, I guess that's about it for today. Penny and I will be home alone for a while 'cause our mom is running away with Aunt Wendy again. She says they won't be gone a really long time. We'll SEE about that! I guess it's okay as long as she comes home before it's time for us to EAT!
Patches and Penny
Oh Patches, you have such beautiful teeth! And what a pretty flower! Our Mummy tried to remember the name of those flowers once and I wouldn't come to her for 2 days - she's getting OLD!
We're very glad that Penny's foot is getting better too. Good job you didn't post a picture of that 'cos our Mum faints.
We're glad you had such lovely company on Saturday. We thought about you too.
Nelly xx
I know all about clean teefies -- but I hope they didn't shave your leg the way they did mine for the auntie thesia IV.
We were thinking about you all day of the memorial and hope being with those important people in your life gave you comfort.
Wirey love,
Jake (and my brother who still has a toof cleaning to look forward to)
WOW -- your teeth look GREAT!
Your teeth look great. We hope Penny's nail heals nicely. That peony is so beautiful, never seen one like that, such a gorgeous color.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
What a BEAUTIFUL SMILE - and those teethies are soo clean and white...
It's not about the number who came it's about the folks who loved your Dad and those are the important ones... But your Dad was smiling watching all of you....
Pretty flower...Have fun while Mum's out.....
Wouldcha look at those sparklers?! Wowsey, they sure are bright and shiny.
Poor Penny, as if she hasn't been already been in enough discomfort.
We hope that her back and toe heal up real quick.
We just got back from some time away (peeps call it holidays) and read up on the surgery. Pinkie had staples once because the doctors scoope around her arm so much to take something out there wasn't much left to close the wound with.
Apparently it's survivable but that area needs to be kept still. Is that possible??
We hope all goes well.
Love, I & M
Your Mommy made the most amazing food. Mommy shared a bit with us, and we loved it.
Sally Ann
Hi, Penny and Patches!
Sparkly smile!
I hope Penny's toe is healing well.
Sure it was great to have your important people on your Dad's memorial.
Take care
Kisses and hugs
What great toofers!
Thanks fur showing them off!
What a beaWOOtiful flower too!
We are glad some furry important people were there fur your mom!
We also hope Penny's toe boo-boo gets better too!
Miss Patches,
You sure are showing off your nice clean toofers there. I bet Penny looks just as good.
I am glad the service went well. Sounds like all the important people were there.
Your canines are pearly white alright!! Love all your pictures!
Tell your Mum, to have a Happy Mom's Day!
How nice and white your toofies are, Patches!
Your peony is just GORGEOUS! They are one of our mom's favorite flowers!
We hope Penny's toe feels better soon and we are so happy that she doesn't have to wear that stoopid lampshade!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hey Patches, you have such lovely teefies. Nice and white.
We're glad your mum had a nice day with special people on Saturday. It must have been hard for her but she sounds like a strong lady.
We hope you are all doing ok.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Wowwie! better put on my sunglasses cuz your toofers are perfectly white & shining:) your vet is making a living off you of you guys.. but, we do want you back in your tip top airedaleness.
happy weekend,
We are glad your toe is getting better and were thinking of your family on your Dad's memorial . Love and kisses PL2 and A and A
Ouch about the footsie.... but glad to hear its all better now! Your teefies are boooootiful and so pearly white that I can see sunlight being reflected of it!
I"m glad to hear the small memorial service for your daddy went well and all the very important people came, that's all it matters. I'm sure your daddy is smiling down on you guys!!
AireZEN for that footsie!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
What shiney whites---can hardly look at ya straight on!! Hope your footsie gets well quick!
BabyRD and Hootie
It's good to get your teeth cleaned :)
We sure hope Penny's foot is feeling better soon.
Happy Dog Mom's Day!
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey
Hey, that's a fine set of chompers, Patches. Our Mom wrote about teeth today, too!
Alanis and Miro
wow. your teefs are really beautiful! it's important to take good care of your teefs! good girls.
Well. We're finally beginning to read and catch up. We convinced Moma to start at the beginning of May with our bloggiefriends. She remembers (believe it or not) reading this post, and loving that pretty pee oh knee and thinking about your papa's memorial. But we reminded her that she never commented. That doesn't mean she and we haven't been thinking aboutcha, though. We have. And we are hoping it still works out that we get to meet in late July. We're thinking July 24. That's the day we'll probably leave PCB and head to Atlanta town. Did we tell you our relatives live in Buford? Or maybe that's Flowery Branch. Anyhow ... we're hoping we can make it work out to sniff ya!
On to more reading and more catching up,
Jake and Fergs (and Family)
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