Tuesday, April 27, 2010

No breakfast AGAIN!

Hi, every buddy! It's me, Penny. Yeah, I know...the pictures are of Patches. I'm still camera shy and I especially don't want anydoggie to see the big empty patch on my back. I am doing just fine, but I have to wait until next Tuesday to get my staples out. Mom says it hurts to look at them. I guess it's better to hurt HER than ME! The tumor they removed was way larger than we thought and my vet had to really stretch my skin to close up the hole. I know that sounds pretty disgusting, but it wasn't so bad. All the peeps at the vet's office petted me and took really good care of me!

My mom tried to give me sort of a partial Aire-cut because I look pretty silly right now. Actually, I was due for my spring hAire-cut, but I had surgery instead. Now I'm going to have to look kind of silly when all the peeps come, on Saturday, for my dad's memorial. I guess I'll have to wait a couple of weeks to get groomed since I'm not allow to have a b-a-t-h! Heeheehee!

Back to why I started this post in the first place! We got NO breakfast AGAIN this morning! I was NOT amused! That little whippersnapper, aka Patches, went to get her teefies cleaned so that meant NODOGGIE got breakfast! Okay, I actually did get my breakfast, but I had to wait until Mom came home from dropping off the wild child. NOW, I suppose my dindin will be late too! Patches can't come home until after 4:00 and I'm used to eating by at least 3:00. Mom says it won't kill me, but I'm not so sure! I've already lost 16 pounds! Yeah, it took a whole year, but my arfritis is better and I can almost beat Patches to the neighbor's fence! Almost! I'm usually too dignified to run like a puppy, but I do have my moments! My v-e-t says I'm doing really well for an 11 year old Aire-girl.

Our mom has started to get stuffs ready for Saturday and she's supposed to be cleaning the house, but right now I think we're going to nap. Mom's been on ant-eye-bio-ticks for 13 days for a major sinus infection and she keeps saying she feels like crap. I don't know what crap feels like, but I'm pretty sure it is really, really tired. Mom's only got one more day of those awful pills and I sure hope she stops feeling like crap pretty soon!

Well, everydoggie, we're off to have that nap and I'm going to enjoy my day of being the only dog! (Not really, but I do have to keep up my reputation of being the only dignified doggie in da house.)

Penny (and the whippersnapper with clean teefies too)


Dexter said...

Penny! You sound like the bionic doggie! I bet you look just fine. You can pull off any look. Such a sweetie.

Oh poor mom. Saturday is an important day. I hope she is feeling better. We don't have words for how it must be to not have your dad. I hope that the service on Saturday helps mom have happy thoughts.


Remington said...

I hope you have a good day. Take good care of your mommy.

Asta said...

I'm dso glad you'we feeling bettew,but sowwy to heaw that youw Mom is feeling like cwap. I hope she wecovews vewy soon and is able to get weady fow all hew guests on Satuwday and youw sweet Dad's memowial. We'll be thinking of you and sending ouw love.

smooochie kisses to you and the little clean toofed whippewsnappew Patches

Nelly said...

Hi Penny,
It's good to hear you're feeling better but it's not so good to hear your Mummy is feeling like craps!
We'll be thinking of you on Saturday and hope you have a lovely day.
Give some nibbles to Patches too.
Nelly xx

Duke said...

Don't worry about how you look, Penny - it's how you feel and you've been through a lot!
Our thoughts will be with you all on Saturday for your dad's service.

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Gus said...

Penny (and whippersnapper)

Good to hear that you are feeling better after your surgery. Hope your mom recovers...do whatever you can to help her, and if that means sleeping on top of her so she will take naps, DO IT!


Sunshade said...

Ah oh... late breakie and late din din?? I'm happy your healing well Penny, my stitches are doing good too. Hehe I look pretty ridiculous too with bare stomach and SHAVED fur all over, so we're in the same boat together, don't feel bad!

I hope your mom's sinus buggie clears up before Saturday, she takes such good care of you guys, you have to remind her to take good care of her okay?? (like maybe youc an eat her antibiotics for her, or eat the sinus bugs for her?)

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

Jake of Florida said...

Hey Penny Girl - I had a surprise toofie cleaning last week too -- so I understand the no breakfast thing and that funny where I am kind of feeling.

And our mom brought home some kind of crud from her trip to Alabama, so she too feels like you know what.

We hope you and your mom and Patches will be OK for your May 1 memorial for your Dad. We know it's important to bring friends and family together to commemorate his life. We'll be thinking about you on that day -- and we hope the news about Patches is good!

Wirey love,

Jake and Just Harry

violett said...

Hi Penny,
It`s good to hear you`re feeling better. Hope your mom recovers.
Take good care of your mommy.
Lots of love

Eric said...

Hi Penny, I'm glad you're doing well after your surgery but poor Mom. Please look after her and we'll be thinking of you all on Saturday for your lovely Dad's memorial.Take good care of your Mom.
Wiry loves Eric xxxx

Lorenza said...

Hi, Penny!
Glad to know you are doing well.
I wonder if we all are in Cleaning Teefies Season! I suffered that too! Hmmm...
I am sure everything went well with Patches and she had already a big din din!
I hope your mom feels better soon. Feeling like crap is not funny!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


I hope woo survived!

Paws khrossed fur your mom to feel better...

We'll be thinking about her a lot as Saturday approaches...


Wyatt said...

Some weeks are just like that. The nap sounds like a good idea.
Wet Noses and Aire Kisses

Sally said...

Glad you are feeling better - we hate going without our breakfast too! We wre sorry to hear your Mom feels like cr*p - we hope those antibiotics work. Naps definitely help! We will be thinking of you on Saturday, lots of licks
Sally and Paddy

Hollie and Janie said...

I am so glad that you are feeling better and that your tumor is gone! Our fur grows back really fast, so you'll be looking gorgeous again in no time!! I hope Patches has a good experience today, too! I can't wait to see her white, pearly chompers!!

Kess And Her Mama said...

Hey Penny, good to hear you're better. Your fur will grow back and you'll look as pretty as ever. Hope your breakfasts are on time now! Hope yr mum is better. My mum usually takes probiotics after a dose of antibiotics.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear your mom is feeling unwell. Sending lots of wags n licks to uplift her spirits.
Hope u have a good service. ur Dad is in a beautiful place now, looking down on u with love. just feel the love n u wll be happy.
do keep us pupdated bout ur own recovery.
n don't be shy please. We Dawgs are so loving it makes up for small things like loss of fur etc
Wags, buddy n Ginger

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

We hope you girls take good care of your Mom and that she feels better soon.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi

tula monstah said...

oh penny, can't wait til those stitches come.. then you can grow back all your pretty airedaleness!

wishing you good thoughts on saturday- and think of the very special memories of your dad.


Noah the Airedale said...

Hey Penny
We're glad the surgery went well. Sounds like they took good care of you.

We're sending your mum special dale woofs and hugs for the memorial.

Thinking of you all.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy & D x

the many Bs said...

wow, this eating schedule is certainly a major inconvenience. we hope your mom can make it up to you.

we're very impressed that you lost 16 pounds. that's a lot! did you have to starve a lot? poor pup!


Bogart H. Devil said...

Gooooooooo Penny!!!!

Sending you all LOTS of BIG AIRE KISSES

Bogart & Lulu

Bogart H. Devil said...

Gooooooooo Penny!!!!

Sending you all LOTS of BIG AIRE KISSES

Bogart & Lulu

Wolfram said...

Glad to read that you're better, but tell me : I read the word "bath"... an Airedale will never get in the bathtub, but only in lakes and creeks! (Except having opened the cocoa-box and being cocoa-brown from the nose to the shoulders... that was Hanni's first and only passage in the bath tub for a short shower without soap, and she's 12 years old.)

please excuse my bad english, I'm german living in France.

asta said...

Penny and Patches

Mommi and i awe thinking of you and youw Mommi today and tomowwow. We know you awe having a memowial fow youw sweet Dad..I pway that you can comfowt youw mom and make hew know it will be OK She has had such a big loss, only you and all ouw love fwom hew fwiends can help hew thwoo it.
We love hew and send all ouw smoochie kisses and hugs
ASTA and mommi

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Wow Penny you seem to be recovering pretty good after that major surgery. We are so glas for you. How was Patches toofie appt.?? We hope good. By the time you see this the memorial for your daddy will have been over. We hope that it cheered you mommy to have good thoughts and memories of him. love you bunches,
BabyRD and Hootie

Sunshade said...

Thanks gurrrrls for the "get your hearing back" wishes...... I'm doing fine, but I hope my hearing does come back for mum's sake. She's not doing as well as me.

How did Saturday go?? How is your mom? Are you guys taking good care of her?

Thinking of you guys!

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade