Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Airedale who came before us.

Today, our mom is taking over our blog to tell you about her very first Airedale. Her name was Pockets and she was a sweetheart. Unfortunately, she was born with a cleft palate and as she grew older, she developed other health problems. She is the reason our blog is called Airedale Heaven. Every time I took her to the vet or the groomer, we had to stop to visit 6 or 7 people along the way. They all wanted to see Pockets every time we left the house. Several of them told me that if there is such a thing as reincarnation, they want to come back as one of my dogs. Hence, the name Airedale Heaven. We think she could have been a therapy dog if she had gotten the training. She seemed to make everyone smile. Pockets went to the rainbow bridge almost 6 years ago just about 2 weeks shy of her 5th birthday. Before she went, she taught Penny a lot about being an Airedale and some naughty tricks too. Poppy never got to meet Pockets, but sometimes she acts just like her. It must be an Airedale thing! I guess I will continue to miss her until I meet up with her at the bridge. In the mean time, Poppy and Penny are continuing her Airedale ways.


Poppy & Penny's Mom


Duke said...

Pockets sounds like she was a real sweetie! She died way too young!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Harry said...

Pockets was such a beautiful girl. We can imagine how many admiring looks she got! We know you helped our ma lots when she lost Oscar and for that we thank you as we know you are in part to thank for us both living here now.

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Noah the Airedale said...

Thanks for telling us about Pockets. That is such a great name, we love it. How sad that she crossed the rainbow bridge at such a young age.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Headgirl said...

Thanks for writing about Pockets.
It doesn't matter how many years go by one still misses our lost loved ones.

Best wishes