Saturday, January 19, 2008

SNOW in Georgia

Yep, that's right folks, it is snowing in Georgia! It's about 7 hours later than the weather fools said it would be, but it's here. They (the weather fools) say we could get up to 7 inches where we live. We'll believe it when we SEE it! Our parents are originally from Ohio and they laugh like crazy when the schools are closed and the grocery store shelves are empty when a little snow or ice is predicted. See those white dots on Penny's back? Well, that is snow...not large dandruff!

I, Poppy am feeling better, now. Until this morning, I was doing a whole lot of nothing, but I ate a little bit of breakfast and some people food and I think I am good to go! Dad made me some hamburger and rice with green beans. Yummy! I think I am just tired of the same old food that I have been eating for about 6 of my 7 years. I demand a change!

Our evil mom has been chasing Penny around with the camera, this morning, and she finally got a shot of the two of us together as we tried to get inside and hide from the snow. Once again, the picture is blue. It must have something to do with a setting, on the camera, that Mom can't figure out. Dad says it's because it's a cheap camera. Anyway, at least you can see Penny's face for a change!
Poppy and Penny


Duke said...

How awesome that you're getting snow! I bet you can't wait to play in it! Everybody is getting snow except us! What did we do wrong to deserve this?!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Harry said...

We still have torrential rain, grr!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Anonymous said...

I am jealous of your snow!!! It is snowing about 30 min north of me right now :( Boo Hoo!!! I so want some. They say on the news that it is still a possibility... I will believe it when I see it. You two have fun!!


Persephone and Buster said...

Snow in Georgia? General Beauregard would turn over in his grave! What about the peach crop? Yow...this is exciting stuff!

Keep us posted,

Persephone & Buster

Noah the Airedale said...

G'day gals,
So glad you're feeling better Poppy. Hopefully you'll get a change in diet now that you've protested.
We hope you get more snow. Lots of dogs seem to really like it. We wouldn't know......sigh.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucyh