We would like to pass it on to:
Square Face - WFT in S. Africa
Roots - JRT in Japan
Ezzy Rider & Jagger - Airedales in Georgia, US
Kimi Wagner - Airedale in Washington, US
Alf & Mindy -Airedales in the UK
Noah & his sisters - Airedales in Australia
Keeley - Irish Terrier in Wisconsin, US
Kirby -Airedale in Ilinois, US
Stanley & Stella -Airedale & Welshie in Kansas, US
Jackson - WFT in the UK
We love reading about all your adventures!
Poppy & Penny
Congratulations on your award, Poppy and Penny! You totally deserve it!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
How lovely to get the award girls! Hope you're having an excellent weekend. We went on a really muddy walk this morning, nice!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
Hi Penny and poppy!
Congwatulations on youw awawd ..it's so nice to be appweciated and you weally desewve it!!!
hope you had a lovely weekend
smoochie kisses
Hi Poppy & Penny...
My name is Ruby, nice to meet you!!! You are pals with my Nanny!!! I love 'dales!!! I hope we can be friends...stop by my blog to visit sometime!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Hi Penny and Poppy
I bet youw Aiwekid on wheels is gweat!!
I'm only allowed to play with Myrna when Mommi is awound to supwewvise..othewise she has to sit somewhewe high up, so that I don't play biteyface with hew
smoochie kisses
Congratulations on your award gals and thanks so much for passing it onto us. That's awfully nice of you.
Hugs and tail wags
Willow Tess & Lucy
Noah is at the vet so we are blogging for him.
Congratulations on your award girls! Thank you so much for passing it on to me. I'm quite honored I'm glad you enjoy my blog, I've added you to my bloggie friends list, I hope that was OK? Keep up the great work!!
Your pal,
Hey Guys...we saw ur bloggie on Bruno's blog...we'd never been there before either...come and visit us...we're usually in some kind of triple terrier trouble...
Scruffy...WFT almost 2
Lacie....Lakeland terrier 11 months
Babystan...our newest arrival. Airedale...8 months
Congrats on your award and thank you so much for passing it on to me too!
Hey P&P, congrats on your award, you deserve it pals! And thank you sooooo much for passing it onto me; I'm honoured! J x
Congrats on the award and thanks for passing it on to us!!! Papa gave me some extra treats today and bought me a new toy...which I broke in 27 seconds flat!!! :-)
Luv and pats!
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