Saturday, February 9, 2008

Award, Mom's new camera, lazy dogs.

Hi to all our furry and not so furry friends! Our mom FINALLY got a new camera! Actually, her old one was new, too. It just didn't take very good pictures and dad said it was a piece of junk. Ok, junk wasn't the exact word he used, but you get the idea. The new camera takes much better pictures...or at least, it WILL once our technology challenged mom figures it out.

We would like to thank Harry and Cassidy for the E for Excellent award that they have passed on to all their Airedale pals. We are supposed to pass it on to 10 other blogs, but since we aren't sure who hasn't received it yet, consider yourself awarded! There are soooo many great blogs on the DWB!

These are two pictures of me (Poppy) just being lazy! We haven't had any great adventures lately, but we are hoping to go to the dog park with Ezzy Rider and Jagger soon! On Thursday, our moms went to lunch and shopping for the entire afternoon and left us home with Dad. Although Dad takes great care of us (he's our personal servant), we think we could have had way more fun if they took us with them! We don't think anyone would have thought it was strange to see four large Airedales sitting in a booth with our moms in that restaurant! I'm sure Ezzy and Jag would feel the same. Maybe that can happen when Turbo finally rules the world!
Poppy & Penny


Harry said...

Ma has been looking at new cameras too!

Enjoy your play date with Ezzy and Jagger girls.

Toodle pip
Harry x

Urban Smoothie Read said...

congrates for the family new camera....u gonna looks even more handsome

Duke said...

How exciting that you're meeting up with Ezzy and Jagger! We sure wish we could join you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Bogart H. Devil said...

I always think it's super cool to stroll around in Dale-packs, I'd bet you'd be seeing LOTS of smiles if you all went out together to a restaurant!!!!


Kirby said...

Congrats on the great awards and the new camera. Mom is so much happier with her 'nicer' camera. Have a great play date!

Your pal,

J said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! You are two super cute girls! I can't wait to read more about you. ~Sammy

Noah the Airedale said...

You're going to have a great time with Ezzy & Jag. Lucky thingsl, wish we could join you.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy