Today, Mom got the bright idea to clean up our back yard. It's about 50 degrees and the sun is shining so it seemed like a good idea at the time. She put on her rubber shoes, gloves and old clothes. She got out the 300 feet of extension cords and the 150 mph blower. She was READY! What she didn't realize is that the wind is blowing so hard that it blows our poopies right back at her! She wasn't exactly having fun, but she did manage to get it done. Of course, now she has a headache from the wind whistling through her ears. We asked her to clean up our poopies so our yard will be nice and clean if we get a new brother or sister. We want to make a good impression on him or her. No, we haven't heard anything, yet, from Airedale Rescue, but everyone says it takes two or three weeks. We still have our paws cros

These are two pictures of me, Poppy on the left and Penny on the right. We are making a quick get away because we just wasted about two gallons of water. We can't help it if our beards are so long that they sop up so much water! See that purple towel on the floor? That is a gigantic towel called a bathsheet that Mom puts under Penny's feeding station so Mom doesn't bust her butt everytime she goes into the dog feeding room. She has slid in the water more than a few times so she finally got smart and put towels down for us. There is a freezer full of meatables in our dog feeding room along with an extra refrigerator and our parents are going to have to move them to the garage if we get a new Aire-kid. Right now, there is only enough extra room in there for our two feeding stations so we will need a little more room. We will probably need a bigger toy box too, but that won't be a problem... we'll just have Dad build us one!
Poppy & Penny (the only Aire-kids in town with a poopie-free yard...until the next time we go out!!!!)
Hi Poppy & Penny
What does your feeding station look like? Just curious cause all we have is a bowl each. Yours sounds very upmarket.
Can't wait until your new brother or sister arrives.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Glad your yard is poopy free. I don't like going in the garden, and Cassidy only likes going in the garden!
Toodle pip
We sure wish you would have gotten a video of poop being blown back at your mom! hehehehehe
Now that would have been a sight to see!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
the wind blowing up the poopies?...are u kidding me...
make me think of tornado or hurricane..
Hi Penny and Poppy. I am so happy to have such wonderful friends. "flying poopies"....thats too funny!!!
sniff sniff
I'm glad it warmed up, Penny and Poppy. Spring must be coming soon!
Your friend, Lenny
Congwatulations to youw Mom fow bwaving the elements and cleaning up fow youw new Bwuvvew ow sistew..I can't wait!! this is so exciting!!!
I'm suwe you'll make a gweat impwession!
smoochie kisses
Hi Penny & Poppy,
Glad ta meet you & that you stopped by our bloggie. We'll add you to our friends' list & hope you do the same wif us. Woo-woo 50 - it's going down to the teens in PGH tonight. Our mommy will be hibernating in the house & not even go out to the barn where she boards the rest of our 4-legged family, Charlie Horse & Cutter. They are warmer wif their blankies on in their stalls.
Til next time,
-Cosmos & Juneau-
Ugh...our poops are frozen to the ground!!! Grossssss, even to us.
Sherman, Penny & Lola
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