Hi everybody! Yesterday, we got to enjoy Penny's birfday treats as soon as Aunt Wendy got here! She played with us for a little while and then she and Mom set off on their journey to see an Aire-boy named Winston. When they arrived, they met him and took him for a walk and gave him treats. Yes, OUR treats! Mom wanted to bring him home right away, but she decided to see the other Aire-boy first that will be in our area on Sunday. Winston seems to be a very sweet boy, but they have given him a very bad Aire-cut and he has a few hot spots. His saddle is somewhat gray instead of black, but we think that is because this is his very first Aire-cut. He is very skinny and if we bring him home, Mom will take great pleasure in fattening him up! We also think he may be older than the 2 1/2 years that they say he is. We may still end up with him as our new little brother, but we won't know for sure until Mom meets the other Aire-boy! We are hoping it will be either Sunday or Tuesday. We will let you all know what she decides! The picture, at the top is Winston, the cutie!
Thank you, again to all of you doggies that sent me, Penny birfday wishes! It was a pawsome day with all the good treats we got! I'm kind of wishing EVERYDAY was my birfday, but then I guess I would get too old too fast! I guess I will settle for only two per year. At least we will get three per year once we get that new brother! That will be pawsome!
Poppy & Penny
Aw, Winston looks sweet. I'm sure once mum has met both pups she will know if one is the perfect Dale for your family. Be patient girls!
Toodle pip
Harry x
Winston is very cute. Those birthday treats look very yummy! There's so much excitement going on at your house!
Those cookies look so good that you got for your birthday....A new aire to play with, yippee.
Winston is a cutie! We can see he's a boy! Mitch used to do that all the time before he got snipped!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Winston looks like a nice guy. Would his name still be Winston if he came home with you? Not something with a P? I think Winston sounds very distinguished.
Your friend, Lenny
Awwww Winston is sooo cute. Poor little fella. Hot spots are a nuisance. Willow & I get them now and again. We can't wait to find out how things go on Sunday.
Hugs and tail wags
OMG!!! A new brother? That would be SO exciting! I am getting a new sister, but not one that looks like me...She is going to be my human sissy...Mom says she'll be here next month...
Keep us up to date with the brother situation!
Love, Herc
Penny & Poppy
Tells use Mommy I is sitting in Nanny's perse waiting for Fwday, I is goings on my first twip to NY City to see Asta & Myrna & their pawrents, I so sited, but a wittle scwared, cause I is goings on a Twain, whatever that is. Hee, hee
Happy Belated Barkday
HOw exciting!!! Oh boy 3!!!! We can't wait for your new brother to come!! Love A+A
Congratulations on your post of the month win, girls! We wanted to let you know that we voted for you! We thought your post was just awesome!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hey Penny...happy belated Barkday, Girl!!!!!!!
Wow...Winston is cute! That was almost Babystan's name...pawfect for a Dale. What's the other doggies name?? We can't wait to see ur next post!
Keep us updated on the bro progress!!!
happy belated barkday to u, penny...
i hope ur new brudder arrives soon..
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