Hi everydog, cat, hammie and hooman! These are our sad faces! We are outraged, today, because our mom left us with Dad all day, yesterday! She went to lunch and shopping with Ezzy Rider and Jagger's mom. She also played with them before and after the shopping! Soooooo not fair! When she came home, we sniffed her all over and she smelled soooooo good! We thought maybe Ezzy and Jag were WITH her. No such luck! She only brought their smells home. Also, we detected the smell of a Black Lab named Zach. She petted him in a parking lot when his parents were getting him out of a car. We sure wish we could have met him! We had a meeting and decided to go ahead and let Mom into the house because she was carrying a bag and that usually means something for US! There WAS something in the bag, for us, but we can't have it until Thursday on Penny's barkday. It is some kind of fancy treats. Mom put the bag on top of a basket on the island in our kitchen...well out of reach of us countersurfers. Whatever it is, it smells yummylicious, but Mom says we have to wait. What a buzz-kill! We hope the time goes really fast for Thursday to get here!
Our mom got a pee-mail from Airedale Rescue, but she is still waiting on the phone call. It seems that some of the people who rescue the 'dales have the flu. We sure hope they get better soon so we can find out whether we are getting a new brother or sister. We are soooo excited!
Poppy & Penny
I bet what's in that bag will be well worth the wait!
What a shame that you and Ezzy and Jagger couldn't all get together to play! Maybe next time!
We can't wait to hear about your brother or sister either! We'll send AireZen for the rescue people to feel better soon!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I would have thought with 2 determined Airedales on the case, there is a way to get that bag down!
I can't wait to hear what Airedale Rescue say! The Airedale website that ma goes on has 2 girl Dales that need homes urgently, but pa hasn't been persuaded...yet!
Toodle pip
Harry x
Penny and pppy
I'm so sowwy you didn't get to go with youw Mom to see Eaay and Jagger..that is totally unfaiw!!!!
and on youw Birfday week too!
I'd go on stwike!
I hope whatevew she bwought makes up fow it
smoochie kisses
Gosh we would have thought airedale rescue would have contacted you by now. There are dales to be rehomed!!!!!!
Hope you get to meet up with Ezzy & Jag soon.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Hi Poppy and Penny
You must be so excited, cos birthdays are the best.
What a meany your Mum was not letting you go and play with Ezzy and Jagger, hopefully next time you will be able to.
Molly and Taffy
My mom is like your... when she goes shopping she always buy me something...but I hate when she leaves me...
Kisses, Faya
Hi Penny and Poppy
Thank you fow youw congwatulations!
You awe such vesy suppowtive nice fwiends..awe you getting weady fow the pawty?
It's almost hewe!
smoochie kisses
Another 'dale in your home? How exciting! That and a birthday are good reasons to celebrate with those treats!
William Tell
Well you dales have a true nack for surfing so take the challenge!!! Agatha tries to be like a jumping bean and sometimes she gets it and I just wait for it to come to me!!! Love A+A
I am sure whatever that is in the bag will be worth the wait!!
OMdoG.. how exciting it is to have a new lil' bro or sister.. You can bully *ahem* I mean take care of them.
oh..that's bad...
dog mums went shopping together without u...
Your Mom is a dirty rotten cheater!! Oooooo, it just burns me up when Mom goes out & comes back smelling like another pup.
We'll be anxious for the 'dale rescuers to get better...and get busy!!
Awe, you look sooo sad. I hate it too when my mum leaves me home all day to go to work.
Penny and Poppy
Wait till you get youw bwuvvew ow sissy and all thwee of you twy to sit in youw Mommi's lap, hehehe that would be a gweat pictoowe
smoochie kisses
Hi, wow the greatest new another airedale at your house, bet you all cant wait. Share the news when you have some.
Luv Bruno XXX
Hey gals, thanks for dropping by. You 2 are adorable. I know how you feel gals, being left at home while the lady went for shopping.
Hi, Penny and Poppy!
Thanks for coming to visit my blog! Sure is nice to meet you!
I am so sorry you could not meet your friends!
Happy Birthday to Penny!
Kisses and hugs
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